!!Attack of the Plant-Hating Super-Bitch!! (a.k.a. my mother-in-law)


Well-Known Member
well, today may be one of the saddest days of my life. I had finally, FINALLY gotten some plants to grow, they were beuatiful. And they were both females too. I was planning on celebrating 4 weeks of 12/12 with a healthy dose of mollasses. I had moved them out into the kitchen as I usually do for feedings. AND THEN SHE CAME OVER!!!:evil::evil::evil::evil:.

My girlfriends fucking mom (who's always hated me anyway) decided to stop in for a surprise visit.

she wentr fucking apeshit. screaming about there's no way I was going to be growing in the same house where here granddaughter lives.

well, it was bad, but i guess ill skip right to the horrible end. she made me rip the plants up nad take them down to the burn barrel. SHE MADE ME BURN ME BABIES!!!! She threatened to call the police if I didn't (and believe me she WOULD do it) She wouldn't even let me stand next to them to try and catch a buzz. GOD I hate that fucking bitch, I mean I love my girlfriend and her kid more than anything, but I really hate her mom. Seriously. It's hard to describe how fucking pissed I am right now. Probably one of the worst feelings in the world. All my hard work and money and love that I put into them GONE!

And the worst part is, I know for like the next 6 months she's going to be stopping over and sticking her little fucking nose all around my shit to make sure I'm not growing again. God today fucking sucks. I don't even have any on me to smoke.

All right that's it, I'm too fucking pissed to write anymore.


Well-Known Member
send her some rat-crackers or plant some shit on her and call the cops on her. fair is fair! get even with that bitch, place her adress on one of those child-molester sides and post a pic along as well. that bitch has to suffer big time!!!:mad:

and start to grow outdoors, far far away from that dirty old bitch!


Active Member
wow that sucks ass, lucky 4 me that my whole family doesnt care tat i grow.. even my mom wanted to help me grow a few. but didnt want anything to happen to her >.< so i said no :peace:


New Member
i say fuck that bitch...tell your ol'lady to keep her fuckin mom away...an tell her mom she ows you some fuckin money....i hate dumb bitchs....on a side note does her mother drink...if she does be-little the shit out of her for it..any ammo is good ammo....but really you might have to leave your girl...


Well-Known Member
who is she to tell you what to do in your own home, she should have respected that and went about her busniess. its an unfortunate event and some very bad timing, but you should get even with the old hag. my ex wifes mother in law (who despised me as a poor no good country boy) used to stop by randomly and just bitch about this and that, finally i got serious and just told the bitch how it was, and she never invited herself over again,


New Member
seriously...whos parents just stop by...my mom an mother-in-law never just stop by..none of family does....i dont understand....i see it in movies an t.v. but not real life...its your house your an adult...i guess it's just me...


Well-Known Member
i would have a calm sit down with her and explain how she made you feel. and that you are not going to do anything because karma will take of her for killing one of god's creations. your house your rules, if she has a problem with it then she doesnt have to go over there. if she does call the cops, the only thing they can do is try to collect evidence to gain a warrant. if you got your shit tight then you need not worry. they cant "bust" you cause you ol ladies mom throwing bitch fit at the police station about a couple of plants. even if there is a kid in the house. but if she plays dirty, which it sounds like she does. then have your op tight knit. a cop can stand outside my growroom and not see or smell anything, therefor he doesnt have warrant to search. keep all your "evidence" out of your trash and in your burn barrel. good luck, and remember,you are doing god's work


Well-Known Member
How did she get in? does she have a key? If so why the hell does she have a key!

If the door was open that's your own stupidity, I have programed myself to lock the doors every time I go in or out, + I am allllllways looking at the locks to make sure I have NO suprise visitors/friends that might knock as they open the door.

Change the locks, tell your girl her mom is not allowed over unless she calls first and asks, and keep your grow area locked and secured!!!

Your mother -in-law is a big;



Well-Known Member
Well, first of all, our doors don't lock. We live in a VERY rural area so we don't worry about it. And her mom lives about 100 yards up the road. She's the one who helped us get the apartment in the first place. And as pissed as I am, I'm not going to leave my girlfriend, she's 7 months pregnant with my son. Trust me, I'm planning on getting locks for the doors. I've actually already been looking for a much stealthier grow space. I have a good few possibilities, but pretty much the garden is put up for now. I'm fucking depressed about it. Yeah, those are all good preventive measures, and I will use them next time. For right now though, I'm done.


and when i do, I will do it 10X better, due to all the help I have recieved, I love rollitup. I'd like to thank everyone here (esp. VM40; FDD; Mogie; Babygro; and everyone else who has helped me out)

With that, I will be leaving the site tonight, to return in the future.

In the mean time, I will be purchasing some good books, cannabible maybe. And preparing for the next grow.


Well-Known Member
Oh, and good luck to all, grow it for me. :)

And may this never happen to ANYONE ever ever ever again.



Well-Known Member
it is not, they just will be a bit little and those buds won't be the biggest but still better then no buds thanks to b-mum, or?;)


Active Member
first off man head to the head shop and get some smoke they will have somethin there for ya. then because what you got in the head shop is legal.
smoke it in front of her makin sure of course your house is clean of all other stuff
.see what way she reacts when you tell her its legal. if she seems ok about it then offer it to her,and if she smokes it then my friend you have her by the short and curly,s.if that doesn,t work try telling her the weeds for medicinal purposes.if that doesn,t work i,d tell her i was emigrating to a country it was legal in and you would be taking her precious daughter and grandaughter with you. she wouldn,t take it too kindly. the poiunt my friend is this; BE A MAN PUT YOUR FOOT DOWN. get in touch if your havin any more hassle i,d love to see how you play her out its your duty now to conquer this sad little woman. peace