Attack of teh Mystery Splotches!! AHH!


Active Member
Hey yall. i've been lurking this site daily for a few months now like a kid in a candy shop, slowly collecting supplies for my first grow, and being generally paranoid about the prospect of ordering seeds. My prayers appeared to be answered when my best friend clipped one more clone than he could keep, and donated a beautiful baby to my cause.
i took her home, dipped her in my shiny new rooting-powder, put her in damp rockwool under a humidity dome, gave her a few quick spritz's from the sprayer when she looked like she needed it, and flipped on two of my 26w 6500k CFLs.

fast-forward 5 days.

now my baby has developed these alien-looking yellow splotches on her leaves, and after looking through a few "diagnose your plant" threads, i'm still totally clueless..

i'm doing my best to remain relaistic about this situation and accept that it may very well be too late for her. if bad news is all you guys got for me so be it; i trust your judgement. but if there is anything that can be done, any suggestions at all, they'd be much appreciated.

oh, and for those interested, the strain is Sour Deisel X Willy's Wonder X Unnamed Mystery Nugget

really. don't hesitate to give me bad news. it's really all im expecting. but i can dream, can't i? :confused:



Active Member
The water you sprayed on them will magnify/concentrate the light onto the leaves, burning them in spots.
well thats just super.
so imm'a raise the lights, maybe find a sprayer with a finer mist?
and will these stresses its endured have an adverse affect later? or on clones taken from it on the chance that it survives long enough?

i really appreciate it man. many thanks for responding so quick.


Active Member
The water you sprayed on them will magnify/concentrate the light onto the leaves, burning them in spots.
friggin christ. im so relieved that this isn't some obscure disease that weather or not my plant lives, i just rolled a fat-ass blunt in your name. it's a pity i have to smoke this all to my dome.:hump::hump::hump::hump:

