as it's the right time of year can anyone please suggest variety for outside?


Active Member
I have just satrted my first grow indoors.

But I have access to some jolly private land, so I want to plant some plants outside.

What variety do you reccomend?

If it helps I live in the UK, and there is a huge variety of conditions in the place I can use-There is a stream in a ditch with 15foot sides that face south.There are sides of the building that face every cardianal point.

So to recap, what variety should I use and where should I plant them?

Thank you for reading this post.




Well-Known Member
in uk id say at least a 50-50 hybrid 45-55 days flowering, mold i think will be your nemisis so the occasional spray with some lemon juice spiked water will be in order toward flowering:hug:


Active Member
in uk id say at least a 50-50 hybrid 45-55 days flowering, mold i think will be your nemisis so the occasional spray with some lemon juice spiked water will be in order toward flowering:hug:

thanks mate.

so ermm what is the name of a 50/50 variety that you think is appropriate then please mate?

thankyou for helping me

I cannot spend more time posting ATM 'cos it is raining, so Iam off outside with a torch(flashlight) and a big knife to try and catch some fat juicy worms to feed to Mudkips, my Axolotyl!


Well-Known Member


Active Member
being so far North you need strains that will finish by early September. The sun is too far down the horizon to produce any growth at all after that.
Your conditions are similar to BC and this strain was developed to deal with it.
Might not finish in time but worth a go IMHO. Lowryder hybrids might be the ticket too.

MrFrmboi, you Sir, are a prince amongst men!

That is exactly the kind of info I wanted!


doktor doris