Arjan's Haze #2 Hydro Scrog easy for beginners


Well-Known Member
Alright, so this is my first Grow Journal. I'll try to give you all as much info as I can, and go ahead and ask any questions I'd be happy to answer, tips from the more experienced growers are aways useful =)

So here we go, I just got my 5 pack of feminized seeds of Arjan's Haze #2(f1 hybrid) Ordered them from The Attitude Seed Bank For 34.99GBP(that's in British Pounds) I used the "420" discount then I got the Track and Trace with T-shirt Shipping option for an extra 13 GBP Bringing the total cost to 42.74 GBP. Might be a little high(Like me right now which is why this has been sitting here for 45+ minutes, damn magic bullet commercials.), but I just wanted to try something new, and well they are already here =)

It took 10 days from purchase to get my order out here in the midwest US, which is what I found after reading a lot of postings on here about that site. The packaging was very discreet, everything was in order.

Arjan's Haze specs:
THC - 21.7
CBN - 1.6
CBD - 0.5

11/12 week from seed to Harvest
Yield - 500-700gr/sqm

Now for the Grow Setup. So, this is my second grow, I decided to finally post on here after reading all of this site while doing my first grow, and my first grow went great with some bag seed, also sativa.

I'm going to use the ScroG method, I don't have a limited space, but I do have limited light powah! Sooo, I've tried to read as much as I could/can about the Scrog.

I'm going to do a little half circle design to maximize my surface area, and also to maximize my light's output. Best part too is that now I won't need a light mover. I was most inspired by Underground Man and his little stealth grow, I thought hey I could make one bigger with some big ass sativas.

So, my grow room is 8ft x 14ft x 9ft high. I'm going to put together the scrog with some 2x4"s,two 3'-38"X8ft screens, 2 400w HPS bulbs with some added blue spectrum in the bulbs.
**I should clarify that I'm going to be having two scrogs next to each other with 1 400watt bulb over each**
Each scrog will be 28-30 inches away from the screen if you do the math that adds up to around 25sqft of growing space per 2 plants. These plants can gro to 7ft tall indoors so I'm hoping they'll fill out. The reason I have them about 10-12 inches farther away is to allow growth without fear that the plants get too close 18-20 inches is good.

I'm going to be doing this hydro with 5 gallon buckets. Hydroton pellets, rockwool and GH nutes.

The Nutes is as follows:

GH 321/123 method
Diamond Nectar
Floralicious Plus
and 8ml/L Hydrogen peroxide

Worked out really well for me last time, no root problems whatsoever. Hydrogen peroxide works great for a lot.

Should be a decent sized yield, and some great smoke. I know rule of thumb for ScroG's is 50watts per sqft but I'm thinking with this method that doesn't matter. Pictures will be posted tomorrow of some stuff, the design. We should be germinating 4 of them starting in a couple days here, just need to pick some more stuff up.

My stoned ass almost forgot to tell you about the lighting. The lighting is yes, 2 400 watt hps bulbs, but they will both be running off of one ballast. I'll be using a relay and a timer, you can read the article here, I've read in a few places that this does in fact work, so hopefully I don't burn myself or go temporarily blinded haha.

Also at the end of the grow, I'll put up some different pictures of my trying some different hash making techniques with some explanation from gumby hash to shaking, honey oil, and ISO hash. So far I've tried at least 6 so hopefully I can cram some in at the end and help some people out who don't know how and want some basics. Again any advanced hash tips would be great. You'll notice a few links here and there, just so you all know where I'm getting this stuff from in case I don't/can't explain it as well as the link can, or because I don't feel like typing all of it out haha.

Later, it's 4:45am and I need to prepare a joint:joint:


Well-Known Member
hahahahahahahaha this is what I wanted to do before I germinated my seeds, and instead have a 1000w and a 400w, thanks man, but can someone lock this, I'm not going to use this.