are you smoking tobacco ?


Well-Known Member
as for mixing (rollin a spliff) i dont like to because i always related it with running low a long time ago before i grew cause thats what wed do to make it last

as for smoking cigs well i went from a pack and a half of newports for over 4 years to quitting cold turkey. now i only have one after a smoke out and no more than 3 a week not slipping back into old habits i just find it enhances my high


Active Member
I got my pipe when I want to smoke pure weed. One shot one kill. But for social occasions and to make the weed last longer I roll a coupla spliffs. but I don't and never have smoked a cigarette, luckily I haven't got the nicotine monkey on my back...yet. Gonna start rollin blunts soon, no baccy.


Active Member
i don't smoke tobacco. i don't like it. i don't like mixed joints either feels wierd when i toke it. smoking pure is the only way to go obviously doesn't make my stash last as long but like i said it's the only way to go for me.


Well-Known Member
i'm a weed smoker only...

but i suppose any blunt is sorta mixing it because the paper is made of tobacco... i love a blunt every once in a while, but i think only because my normal buzz doesn't have any nicotine


Well-Known Member
tobacco is the worst and i cant stand ciggs, i feel like a hypocrite tho, because I smoke blunts all day :P