Are You Keeping Track?


Active Member
Do you really know what's happening right now in your country?
Campaign For Liberty — Blog
Thank god we the tax payers just payed for AIG's $400,000 corporate vacation. I can't believe people aren't fed up with the shit that the neo-conservatives (current republicans) and democrats are feeding you. We can not continue down this path. SOCIALISM does not work. Do you really want to work your ass off to help pay for some bastards free health care? Not me, and neither did the forefathers of this country. This shit is embarrassing, not until the last couple years did I realize how ignorant most people are. REMEMBER! :leaf:
They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
-Benjamin Franklin


New Member
I predict that there will be a massive red, white and blue tide coming. When? ... I don't know, maybe when the grocery stores are empty or when eggs are $12.00 a dozen.
