Are these Whatsup!?


ive been looking around for inline fans to cool my flower room. I currently am only running a 600hps, with 3 regular fans circulating air and keeping the canopy at 75 degrees. i came across these guys:

Does anyone have any experience with these? it seems like buying 2 or 3 of these would be alot more practicle than pitching out 100-150 for a good 6inch inline.
My current problem with my flower tent is that i have the open and close the door for lights on/off. (waking up at 7am to close the tent on days i dont need to be awake at 7, well, sucks) Im considering purchasing 3 of these. 1 to push cold air into the lights via ducting, and one pulling it out the other side. And the 3rd venting the entire room, possibly through a small scrubber... Sorry if i sound like stoney. i am.:bigjoint:
soo my main question is do these work? has anyone actually used one or using one now? seems like a steal!