are these the 1st signs of FEMALE PLANTS

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
Hey porkster, who do you think the op is?

Btw I'm still laughing because everyone else can see what's going on except for you:lol::clap:

You didn't go back and read this thread from the beginning did you?


Active Member
I dont care I have better shit to do obviously you dont, and furthermore I dont care what YOU or anyone else thinks about me you dont know me and my life does'nt revolve around what YOU or anyone else feels or has to say have a nice day..


Active Member
What are you super fuckin cannabis man? saving ppl from there own growing fuckups? Cmon dude lets not play dumb in order to learn one must make mistakes none of you guys are perfect and neither of you are anyone to even give advice honestly I've been growing for years and anything I need to know I defenently will not ask you embasils..

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
So lets review shall we .......

"I dunno im just guessing."

Yup you are!

"Im growing outdoor in Fox Farms Happy Frog soil just wondering if flushing agents in the last 2 weeks of flowering would make my harvest better or if I should just flush with ph-ed water?"

Flush with PH'd water huh, hehehe!

"Note Happy Frog has ph adjusters but still never can be too sure.. thanks guys."

PH adjusters, you dont say lol

"I got seeds off of because I used the feminization teqnique of leaving late harvest on the plant and making it self pollinate."

So you grew hermies huh, LMFAO

"im using Happy Frog for grow medium, and I also have Max Sea(Bloom) fertilizer, Tiger Bloom, Big Bloom and Cha Ching and I also have black strap molasses that I have as well. My question is will they get bigger and give me more yield with more root space? and what kind of nute regimen should I follow for best results? Any advice would be appreciated. I'll post up a pic
A.S.A.P. Thanks guys.."

You sure do use a lot of nutes lol and yup big roots=big plants, thats chapter one I believe lol.


Active Member
So that just means ive never tried flushing agents usually just water dimwit..Id like to hear YOUR solution as to what the answer to that would be instead of talking out your neck 24/7 trying to get a rise out of ppl..

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
I did answer your question in your thread, flushing is not necessary. Ph not necessary, all your bud enhancers not necessary, but hey you know that right, you have lots of grows under your belt, and there you go again with the names .... Jeesh! Just saying you clearly have no clue, and thats ok porky! Most are here to learn a bit from seasoned growers! This has now turned into a classic crash and burn all because you seem to like to hear yourself talk about shit you clearly have no understanding about. Its cool to ask questions but its not cool to give advice to people that are asking legitimate questions when you again clearly have no clue. Now you've totally alienated yourself from anyone that would or could help you with your name calling, and rude behaviour. Honestly at first I was trying to help you but way beyond that now. Best thing is to go away, wait a few days and perhaps try again under a different name lol. I'll sit back and watch the show. Feel free to let the name calling continue, im wondering how many more names u can come up with. Kids these days!!!! :).


Active Member
It was nothing to begin with you guys blew the shit outta porportion with your Mr. Know it all drama like I said I dont care im gonna go smoke this hash , and cheisel, and sour o.g I picked up from my local dispensary and relax fuck all that noise..

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Pork, do yourself a favor and stfu...just trying to help you, that's what we do here.

On second thought, keep pissin on that fence, it's quite entertaining!
And he will be lol.....Oh wait! Their he is now lol. Nope not angry at all! Couldnt care less he says! I love this shit lol. Boy Porky....bath water hahaha, love it!!! This is the RUI I remember and love lol.


Active Member
Actally I already took AG10 and I just got done with plant and soil science. Thanks for asking. Im curious if you go to college because honestly you guys seem like you have an iq of a mentally disabled person. Why are you guys continuing with this shit..? Grow up..!