Are My Plants UNDERWATERED?!?! Leaves Pointing UP!


Well-Known Member
I have a couple of plants that are 8 days old of today. I've fed every other day but not much. They are in little party cups full of Fox Farm Light Warrior..


What seems to be the problem? I Have purple stems too, and heard thats not too great?



Active Member
looks normal, just plants reaching for lights. purple stems can be genetics or frequent temp. changes. but they look good and healthy. My last plant had purple stems all the way to harvest and everything came out just fine.


Well-Known Member
gangjababy - Will do.. They are 1" from the plants now (they were 2" before).

FirstTimeGrowGuy - Thanks bro. They are THC bombs and Mazar Afgan in there. I just hope I dont fuck it up.

SMOKEDATKU$H - My temps are high 70's Low 80's..
I dont have a ventilation set up YET because I still need a fan to push air into it. (passive intake)

In about another week i'm going to throw them into 3 gal containers w/
70% FF ocean forest
30% Light Warrior.

Sound right?

When is the SOONEST I can Use my HPS?

When leaves get 4th set of leaves I WILL Put them under the hps:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
gangjababy - Will do.. They are 1" from the plants now (they were 2" before).

FirstTimeGrowGuy - Thanks bro. They are THC bombs and Mazar Afgan in there. I just hope I dont fuck it up.

SMOKEDATKU$H - My temps are high 70's Low 80's..
I dont have a ventilation set up YET because I still need a fan to push air into it. (passive intake)

In about another week i'm going to throw them into 3 gal containers w/
70% FF ocean forest
30% Light Warrior.

Sound right?

When is the SOONEST I can Use my HPS?

When leaves get 4th set of leaves I WILL Put them under the hps:bigjoint:

you CAN use the hps NOW, check out my grow if u want,
ill take pics again today :p they r 1 week 4 days old under
400watt hps. And IMO id use the light warrior alone, for
younger plants, and ocean forest with a lil perlite (helps drainage)
like 80 FF 20 perlite. Hope this helps ;-)


Well-Known Member
I worry if my stems aren't purple/red, etc . . . and consider plants with leaves reaching upward a sign of health and happiness, though lowering your lighting gradually may get them to relax a bit.

Lately, I've been thinkin' that if they're pointing upward, my hps can come down a little more, and ideal height would be when the leaves lay at about 40-60 degrees horizontal with lights "on" .


Well-Known Member
I have the 400watt HPS in a cool-tube..
Exhausting the air using a 170cfm fan..
Intake is still coming..DO I NEED to have passive intake that is Equal to the exhaust.

I have 170cfm sucked out..and
80 cfm pushed in.

Should the air come from outside or my room?


Well-Known Member
Changing horses mid-stream my leave your query unanswered?
I dunno the answer.
I'd start a new thread on this issue?

I'd think the object is to change the air in the room, so new air would have to come from a source other than the actual grow space?