Are my girls ready?


Well-Known Member
Hi All,

I am growing The Church from the Greenhouse Seed Company.

The website states 8 weeks flowering, but the youtube video of the Church states 9 weeks.

I am 4 days from 8 weeks and some of the buds look ready but others don't seem to be.

The top colas on all 3 of my plants are rock hard & have lots of orange hairs (See Pics) but the hairs on my lower buds are still white with only a few orange.

The smell from all the lower buds is fresh, but the smell from the tops of the centre colas seems to have died off.

Could this be down to the lights drying them out?

Anyway, my question, can you chop off the centre colas and leave the rest of the plants a few more days with the hope that the small buds will mature or do you have to do it all in one go?




Well-Known Member
Forgot to say that I have been using a 400 watt hps for the first 6 weeks, then added a 250 watt CFL to help the lower section about a week & a half ago, the lower buds seem to be improving but some of the top buds look done & I don't want to over do them...

I have ordered a x 30 scope but this will not arrive till saturday.

Sorry to appear stupid, but it's my first grow & it has now been 3.5 months of love & care from seed, so I don't want to fall at the final hurdle...



Well-Known Member
here's what i would do.. i would wait 4 more days then snip the colas off and hang them upside down to dry awhile... then i would keep the light cycling for another week for the lower nodes n shit. should work out great. nice lookin buds btw too.


Well-Known Member
Thanks very much piffstar407.

That's what I was thinking of doing but was not sure if it would work or not.


Well-Known Member
here's what i would do.. i would wait 4 more days then snip the colas off and hang them upside down to dry awhile... then i would keep the light cycling for another week for the lower nodes n shit. should work out great. nice lookin buds btw too.

Good advice! ^^^ The tops look ready to me, I prefer a up, clear high so I don't let it get a high % of amber trichs. I would flush now if you haven't already and cut those colas in a few days.


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

9 weeks flowering today & the buds still don't look done, trics are mostly cloudy now, but have not really changed over the last 5 days.

The leaves are all now turning orange at an alarming rate, after the leaf has turned orange it starts to droop then slowly dies & shrivels up. Hoping that they go the distance.

Think I will give 1 more week...


Well-Known Member
have you flushed them? the buds look very nice, i usually harvest at about 80% milky 20% amber but in your case i think i would cut her early. your grow room looks dope with all the colors tho


Well-Known Member

Been flushing for the last 2 weeks, I would be happy with 80% Milky 20% Amber, but there are still quite a few clear trics along with mostly cloudy and a few amber.

She don't look heathy leafwise but buds look fine.


Well-Known Member
The yellowing of the leaves is totally normal for where you are at. If you have some amber trich action going on right now you can harvest TONIGHT! They aren't going to put on any more weight, they are just going to ripen maybe a tiny nit more. But you do know the amber trich's mean the THC is starting to degrade into CBN, right? That's what the amber color represents. So at this point you are watching your plants peak and slide back down the other side of ripe! It's your call how long you want to let that happen, but to my eyes they both are ready to hravest right now.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Pacman123,

The top buds are pretty ripe so will take those off tomorrow, the lower buds still have quite a few clear trics and white hairs so will leave those go for a few days I think?


Well-Known Member
Chopped the tall plant from halfway up today, there were still quite a few white hairs on the lower section so have left these to see if they amber up over the next day or so.

Not that much of a yield, but happy as it's my first go.

Smells great too...



Well-Known Member
She looks ready as she will ever be,trust me i just had a awesome harvest and i had some still clear,cause some just don't change easily,mostly milky,20 amber,snip,snip plus rep


Active Member
I have a few questions:

how big is your grow area?
how many plants could you fit in there with your 400w?
what kind of yeild did you get?

nice buds btw


Well-Known Member
*sigh* those pics look awesome! i cant wait til my plants are ready for u have done a wonderful job...they definitely look ready for harvest...but yea...i would cut the top buds right away so they dont decrease in potency and then just give the bottom buds a few more days...nice work dude...real nice


Well-Known Member
Thanks all,

Pretty pleased with my first grow I have to say.

Collind14, I vegged for 7 weeks, then flowered for 9. My tent is 1m x 1m x 1.75m, I grew 3 plants, you could maybe fit 4 plants in but 3 was a struggle as they really bushed out & I did not prune or top them as it was my first go.

I wanted to take things slow & not interfere with them, so just left them to do their business & let nature take it's cause.

Not sure on yield to be honest, not huge, but enough for me :~)

I have taken the main cola off each plant & then just the top section off one of them (See the pic with the lighter in), I would say the pic contains maybe 60% of what I will get in total. I plan to take the top sections off the other two plants a little later today, then leave the bottom sections on all three for another 2 days or so.

As I said, not huge, but good enough for me.

