Are my buds OK?


THis is my first grow and really have nothing to compare it with except pics I found on the internet.

I have 5*30watt CFL (4*2700k, 1*6400k). 1 positioned over each cola and one in the centre of the plant hitting the canopy below all within 2 inches of the plant.

I am growing in random compost random bagseed.

I flipped to 12/12 3 week ago. Using a 3-2-6 fert at the moment but thinking about getting something with more P in it for next time I feed them and less N

Here are some pics 16 days after the flip
2012-12-15 08.44.32.jpg2012-12-15 08.44.40.jpg2012-12-15 08.44.55.jpg2012-12-15 08.45.10.jpgPICT0002.jpg
And these were taken yesterday 20 days after the flip
2012-12-18 12.56.57.jpg2012-12-18 12.57.03.jpg

Do they look OK and progressing as expected? Maybe just me but I am thinking the buds look a bit small.



Well-Known Member
The cfls did the veg cycle ok but will not be enough for flowering. Get a 250w hps min or you will harvest next to nothing.


yup more light the better are all the lights on top? should have some side light
My lights are are on arms that I can place them as I wish like desk lamps I guess. The position of the lights was something I was going to research more into today and TBH I need to answer the question Do buds need light to grow or will they grow fine if the just the fan leaves and canopy get light

anyway reangled my lights to give the sides more light and made the colas share a bit more. Canopies looking a lot brighter.

I plan on getting a bigger light after christmas for my next grow where I'll buy some seeds.

a 250HPS yes.. think I could do with this but that will be for next grow. This one was just TBH is more just a learning excercise for me in what is actually required to grow. IN the meantime I'll see if I can buff it with some sunlight during the daytime. (winter here) prob get the light after christmas in january sometime.. think maybe mid jan which should be in the final two weeks or close of flowering)