are my babies dead? *pic


Active Member
On this easter sunday, will someone please help me resurrect these babies?

I'm babysitting. I have no idea what I'm doing other than what the daddy told me to do. Unfortunately, I think I'm killing two of his babies. Possibly all of them.

I'm really no enthusiast, to be honest, I pretty much know how to keep "normal" plants alive, but that's about it.

I have been doing research and reading this website for the past three days, so now I have half a clue about growing, but no idea what's going on here.

1) Picture attached
2) Growing indoors in soil
3) Watering 3 times a day
4) Soil
5) Babies? The dying ones are tiny... The leaves are shriveled and dry - but not all of them, just the biggest ones. The stem is thick and sturdy, which is why I thought they might be able to be resurrected.

The other two in the picture seem to be fairing better. It is good to note they were transported to a different place entirely right before I started taking care of them, so maybe they're in shock? But I thought they'd get over it by now.

They are kept in temps between 74-81 F and humidity around 55-60% There's a humidifier in there, and the light is pretty close (maybe 1.5 feet away) which I'm thinking maybe its too close?

I know NOTHING about all the talk of Phosphorus and Nitrogen and all that - I've taken organic chemistry in college, but that's about it. In terms of plants, i've done a lot of reading but I'm still clueless.

Alright...if you've actually made it through this entire post, any advice? I'd really hate for him to come home from vacation to dead plants...

1)how much in mL should I be watering, and how often?
2)what shoud the pH be, could that be a problem?
3)is the light too low? too hot?
4)Is it a mineral deficiency? I read through all the posts about deficiency but I can't tell which picture corresponds to a plant looking pretty much dried out and dead...
5)could it just be shock from the move 3 days ago and i just have to keep giving them love and wait it out?



Well-Known Member
WOAH MAN!!!!!!!!!!! first thing is you are watering thoes poor little things 3 TIMES A DAY??????????? how many plants do you know that need that much water at anytime during their life. The little 2 are def DEAD over watered!!!! The biggers ones might stand a chace if you leave em alone and let em dry up a bit, only water when the soil is dry. Hope ur buddie doesn't get too upset about u killin his babies man


Active Member
WOAH MAN!!!!!!!!!!! first thing is you are watering thoes poor little things 3 TIMES A DAY??????????? how many plants do you know that need that much water at anytime during their life. The little 2 are def DEAD over watered!!!! The biggers ones might stand a chace if you leave em alone and let em dry up a bit, only water when the soil is dry. Hope ur buddie doesn't get too upset about u killin his babies man

haha thanks for letting me know.
actually i wasn't watering the little ones, just spraying them 3 times a day. maybe that was a misleading statement, i actually put water (with the fertilizer in it) on the plants 2 times since he left (in the past 4 days). I have been spraying them with a spray bottle 3 times a day. For 2 days the humidity was 30% so I thought spraying them more would be good, until I got the humidifier working again.

I will take your advice and totally leave them alone!! Thank you.


Well-Known Member
how strong is the fert u are using, they may be just a bit small 4 that. yeah I would let em dry out a bit then just water the remaing ones with plain water


Active Member
yeah, dont give those things more than like 1/2 nutes...especially if they look like that. Also you might want to stop spraying them, it can burn the leaves especially if there is ferts in the water...the humiditity in my grow room is 20% right now and it really doesn't effect much since it drops to 10% all the time. So you shouldn't really spend too much time worrying about that. The two on the right are totally dead, and at this rate the other two will be in a few say you know how to keep "normal" plants alive so do that, this is a normal plant.


Active Member
yeah, dont give those things more than like 1/2 nutes...especially if they look like that. Also you might want to stop spraying them, it can burn the leaves especially if there is ferts in the water...the humiditity in my grow room is 20% right now and it really doesn't effect much since it drops to 10% all the time. So you shouldn't really spend too much time worrying about that. The two on the right are totally dead, and at this rate the other two will be in a few say you know how to keep "normal" plants alive so do that, this is a normal plant.
Thank you for the advice, dankasaurus, I will definitely take it! I know the nutrient mix was less than 1/2 cuz I saw him make it before he left.

I will stop spraying, and start praying.

I don't think he'll be too mad about me killing them, he is my boyfriend after all. I'm hoping he's with me for more than my growing skills ;)


New Member
Those are little babies anyway. I would guess by size they were only 2 weeks old, but I don't grow in soil so I don't really know...

He should not be too mad... Just tell him you were so busy with guys while he was gone to water em... HAHHA


Well-Known Member
on this easter sunday, will someone please help me resurrect these babies?

I'm babysitting. I have no idea what i'm doing other than what the daddy told me to do. Unfortunately, i think i'm killing two of his babies. Possibly all of them.

I'm really no enthusiast, to be honest, i pretty much know how to keep "normal" plants alive, but that's about it.

I have been doing research and reading this website for the past three days, so now i have half a clue about growing, but no idea what's going on here.

1) picture attached
2) growing indoors in soil
3) watering 3 times a day
4) soil
5) babies? The dying ones are tiny... The leaves are shriveled and dry - but not all of them, just the biggest ones. The stem is thick and sturdy, which is why i thought they might be able to be resurrected.

The other two in the picture seem to be fairing better. It is good to note they were transported to a different place entirely right before i started taking care of them, so maybe they're in shock? But i thought they'd get over it by now.

They are kept in temps between 74-81 f and humidity around 55-60% there's a humidifier in there, and the light is pretty close (maybe 1.5 feet away) which i'm thinking maybe its too close?

I know nothing about all the talk of phosphorus and nitrogen and all that - i've taken organic chemistry in college, but that's about it. In terms of plants, i've done a lot of reading but i'm still clueless.

Alright...if you've actually made it through this entire post, any advice? I'd really hate for him to come home from vacation to dead plants...

1)how much in ml should i be watering, and how often?
2)what shoud the ph be, could that be a problem?
3)is the light too low? Too hot?
4)is it a mineral deficiency? I read through all the posts about deficiency but i can't tell which picture corresponds to a plant looking pretty much dried out and dead...
5)could it just be shock from the move 3 days ago and i just have to keep giving them love and wait it out?
fuk man your drowning them.


Active Member
Those are little babies anyway. I would guess by size they were only 2 weeks old, but I don't grow in soil so I don't really know...

He should not be too mad... Just tell him you were so busy with guys while he was gone to water em... HAHHA
Yeah they were tiny, brand new. I'm still going to cross my fingers for a miracle. haha

Thanks for the relationship advice, but I think I'll go elsewhere for that ;)

I think the real excuse is that I have so much time on my hands now that I'm not taking care of him, I took care of the plants a lil too much.


New Member
Yeah they were tiny, brand new. I'm still going to cross my fingers for a miracle. haha

Thanks for the relationship advice, but I think I'll go elsewhere for that ;)

I think the real excuse is that I have so much time on my hands now that I'm not taking care of him, I took care of the plants a lil too much.

What? You didn't like my relationship advice??? :mrgreen:


Active Member
maybe the bf should have gave you instructions first..def overwatered.did he tell you to water them that often?
blame it on him what i know..its always the guys fault..haha
next time he leaves them alone.tell him to look into a dripper and a timer..or maybe a ebb & flow system.
I just went on vacation for a week.with my ladys all by long as the timers are good.theres not much to worry about.


Active Member
maybe the bf should have gave you instructions first..def overwatered.did he tell you to water them that often?
blame it on him what i know..its always the guys fault..haha
next time he leaves them alone.tell him to look into a dripper and a timer..or maybe a ebb & flow system.
I just went on vacation for a week.with my ladys all by long as the timers are good.theres not much to worry about.
Ha, you'd be a great boyfriend, you know the first rule (its always the guys fault)! haha

Thanks for the tip, when he gets back I will immediately suggest an ebb and flow system or a dripper with timer!!! He has got to seriously upgrade if he wants to keep more plants, anyways. I'm sure I'll be back to other forums with more questions in the future!