applicability of acts/national debt


Active Member
but arent we the ones who are putting them into office? how do they represent us if they pass acts that restrict our freedoms? seems to me like its all just a big ass lie


Well-Known Member
but companies are returning record profits (even financial institutions), and the market is flying.
Record profits, but drastically reduced revenues. Accounting games are quite easy if you know how. Fire the labor force, buy back stock, reduce expenses. Wala, a company that is now making record profits. Can't last though, the tricks only work for several years before things go in the shitter.

the market is not the economy, if it were, we would all be fully employed. Hard to be fully employed when companies make record profits by reducing largest single expense....labor.
The market is soaring because the Federal Reserve is handing out $45 billion to the banks each month to do with whatever they wish, and that means they are buying stocks or other equities because of the tax advantages of income vs capital gains. This is the game of them getting richer, while you do not. Once the market has an event, they will sell it all and you will be left holding the bag. They will vacation in Barbados while you try to figure out what happened as you lose EVERYTHING.

They are reducing SNAP benefits by 6% this year. Does that sound like they care about you? Prices of food have not gone down by 6%, this is supposed to save the government about $5 billion a year, or about TWO DAYS worth of GOVERNMENT spending on itself.
Half the nation is on food stamps and they are cutting it because they know that soon the whole nation will be on them. Less people working today than were working in 1979, although nearly 80 million more people live here now.

There is no recovery, its just an illusion.

This government of ours is OUT OF CONTROL, no one is held accountable anymore, they do as they wish with no repercussions. The MSM is complicit and nothing but a lap dog anymore, not to be trusted with anything after their behavior recently. Lies, lies, and more lies. Question EVERYTHING.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
but arent we the ones who are putting them into office? how do they represent us if they pass acts that restrict our freedoms? seems to me like its all just a big ass lie
the second american revolution (the one staged by Woodrow Wilson in 1912) reframed the constitution from a document that limits government, to a document that EMPOWERS government with magical abilities beyond reckoning.

previously the congress, judiciary and presidency had only powers which were expressly spelled out and granted to them (by us) and no more, while certain other things were expressly forbidden them (by us).

now the constitution is a plenary indulgence which permits anything the congress, judiciary or the presidency want, and only their internal power struggle can hold it in check, while OUR rights and powers (as well as those of the states) have been reduced to a few eroded phrases with no meaning.

you now have only the rights the feds GIVE you, and the feds may do as they please.


Well-Known Member
They also don't seem to realise that the VAST majority of the QE propelling the markets will NEVER reach the average citizen.
no, lefties realize that.

the righties are the ones who will argue that the money eventually "trickles down", although apparently it takes 35+ years to do so.

just gotta stick with the philosophy long enough to see it work (unless that's the PPACA, which they will not give 35 years to work, they won't even let it go into implementation before proclaiming that it does not work).

it's all about remaining consistent.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
the second american revolution (the one staged by Woodrow Wilson in 1912) reframed the constitution from a document that limits government, to a document that EMPOWERS government with magical abilities beyond reckoning.

previously the congress, judiciary and presidency had only powers which were expressly spelled out and granted to them (by us) and no more, while certain other things were expressly forbidden them (by us).

now the constitution is a plenary indulgence which permits anything the congress, judiciary or the presidency want, and only their internal power struggle can hold it in check, while OUR rights and powers (as well as those of the states) have been reduced to a few eroded phrases with no meaning.

you now have only the rights the feds GIVE you, and the feds may do as they please.

It may have been sooner than that. The so called civil war featured the "nobody can leave" the freedom of the "voluntary" Union because we say so and have bigger guns. Where did that power come from?

desert dude

Well-Known Member
And had he spent about twice that much we might well have seen a quicker and more robust recovery, but no, Republicans have done all they could, from the very beginning to now (halting government and causing the first downgrade in our history), to see to it that our economy does NOT come back exept for the parts that may directly benefit them like the market.

Ever wonder about that? everyone says the economy is slugish but companies are returning record profits (even financial institutions), and the market is flying.

If he had only spent 100 times as much we could all be retired at this point and sipping margaritas on the French Riviera!


Well-Known Member
They also don't seem to realise that the VAST majority of the QE propelling the markets will NEVER reach the average citizen.

Traders be tradin' (and stuffing their wallets with cash).
The vast majority of QE itself will never reach anyone. The meaningful effects come from lower interest rates, and those certainly reach the average citizen, enabling people to pay less interest on debt-financed consumption. This makes housing and cars, for example, cheaper than they otherwise could be in real terms.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad he wasn't able to spend twice what he did, and surprised that you think we'd be better off today if he had
Austerity does not work, it never has, it never will. When it is convenient, we compare ourselves to other countries, otherwise we claim to be the great exception. So which is it? So long as we keep only one eye toward our debt and ignore prosperity as a whole, we will continue to be in the same situation. If it took spending three times, four times what we did, in order to right our economy it would come back in spades.

I recently (as some of you know) took a trip around the southern parts of this country, everywhere I went I saw massive projects labeled by federal signs declairing the presence of government projects and large hosts of people employed by private industry fixing long tracts of roads. I wondered the entire time what might have happened had we not even spent the little we did on infrastructure.

I believe I mentioned that I saw Burn's documentary on the dust bowl. I encourage those on the right to inform me as to how that mighty failure of individual farmers might have been repaired were it not for government projects aimed at fixing the damage, including the federal purchase of vast lots of land in order to restore them to natural prairie lands, and the instruction and support of the remaining farmers to till the land in a proper manner.

The government has a place, like it or not.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Austerity does not work, it never has, it never will.
austerity ALWAYS works when used properly. Examples:

cant afford to build a new super carrier stealth bomber or nuclear attack sub? DONT BUILD IT ON CREDIT!

cant afford to create a new entitlement? DONT "PAY FOR IT" ON CREDIT

Cant afford a new rooftop arboretum/rainforest in chicago? DONT BUILD IT!

wow, couple trillion in savings right there, and all it takes is NOT throwing money on the fire.

the argument that NOT wasitng money on boondoggles suppresses employment is specious, most people DONT work for the government, but the pillowbutt government contractors who love to charge the morons in washington $150 for a screwdriver will have to tighten their belts.

ohh my. how horrible.


New Member
austerity ALWAYS works when used properly. Examples:

cant afford to build a new super carrier stealth bomber or nuclear attack sub? DONT BUILD IT ON CREDIT!

cant afford to create a new entitlement? DONT "PAY FOR IT" ON CREDIT

Cant afford a new rooftop arboretum/rainforest in chicago? DONT BUILD IT!

wow, couple trillion in savings right there, and all it takes is NOT throwing money on the fire.

the argument that NOT wasitng money on boondoggles suppresses employment is specious, most people DONT work for the government, but the pillowbutt government contractors who love to charge the morons in washington $150 for a screwdriver will have to tighten their belts.

ohh my. how horrible.
You forgot wars - stay out of conflicts that don't threaten the safety and security of the US and if you do have to engage in conflict, don't pay for it on credit unless absolutely necessary - example defending CONUS.

As to your point regarding contractors, they probably benefit the most from war and the war footing a country will stand ready on, because they get to charge $150 for a screwdriver and know they'll get it. Regardless of austerity, the guidelines Acquisition and Procurement/Purchasing officers adhere to need to be revamped and streamlined to avoid the waste, abuse, corruption and concurrency...


Well-Known Member
austerity ALWAYS works when used properly. Examples:

cant afford to build a new super carrier stealth bomber or nuclear attack sub? DONT BUILD IT ON CREDIT!

cant afford to create a new entitlement? DONT "PAY FOR IT" ON CREDIT

Cant afford a new rooftop arboretum/rainforest in chicago? DONT BUILD IT!

wow, couple trillion in savings right there, and all it takes is NOT throwing money on the fire.

the argument that NOT wasitng money on boondoggles suppresses employment is specious, most people DONT work for the government, but the pillowbutt government contractors who love to charge the morons in washington $150 for a screwdriver will have to tighten their belts.

ohh my. how horrible.
That's nice.

Can't afford to replace the rusting steel on the supports to a bridge? don't replace them.
Can't afford to fix that water main under the streets? don't dig them up
Can't afford to help those farmers in the midwest who are being blown away by dust storms? don't support them and don't remediate that soil
Can't afford to feed those folks who through no fault of their own no longer have jobs? don't do it

If only it were as simple as you state. We agree, adding a new submarine when there is no threat anywhere on earth is silly. Paying a reasonable price for a product or refusing to be bilked is not austerity, it is pure reason, but life doesn't work that way. I needed a new roof, I have to protect what I already own and I could not afford that roof. On top of that, the best loan I could get for such a project cost 15 percent. I had no option but to take out that expensive loan.


Well-Known Member
That's nice.

Can't afford to replace the rusting steel on the supports to a bridge? don't replace them.
Can't afford to fix that water main under the streets? don't dig them up
Can't afford to help those farmers in the midwest who are being blown away by dust storms? don't support them and don't remediate that soil
Can't afford to feed those folks who through no fault of their own no longer have jobs? don't do it

If only it were as simple as you state. We agree, adding a new submarine when there is no threat anywhere on earth is silly. Paying a reasonable price for a product or refusing to be bilked is not austerity, it is pure reason, but life doesn't work that way. I needed a new roof, I have to protect what I already own and I could not afford that roof. On top of that, the best loan I could get for such a project cost 15 percent. I had no option but to take out that expensive loan.
A crack dealer wouldn't charge 15%.

They must've seen you coming a mile away.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
That's nice.

Can't afford to replace the rusting steel on the supports to a bridge? don't replace them.
Can't afford to fix that water main under the streets? don't dig them up
Can't afford to help those farmers in the midwest who are being blown away by dust storms? don't support them and don't remediate that soil
Can't afford to feed those folks who through no fault of their own no longer have jobs? don't do it

If only it were as simple as you state. We agree, adding a new submarine when there is no threat anywhere on earth is silly. Paying a reasonable price for a product or refusing to be bilked is not austerity, it is pure reason, but life doesn't work that way. I needed a new roof, I have to protect what I already own and I could not afford that roof. On top of that, the best loan I could get for such a project cost 15 percent. I had no option but to take out that expensive loan.
and thats where "Austerity" from the politicians fails. they focus on needful things as the target of their "Austerity" deliberately.

just as Jerry Moonbeam Brown did in california. he slashed social services, welfare food stamps education elder care, medicare medicaid unemployment services and everything else that would hurt the people, DELIBERATELY.
his goal was to demonstrate that "Austerity Doesnt Work" by sticking it to the proles so they would support his new Eat The Rich tax schemes.

meanwhile his fucking boondoggle continues apace on a new intercity train that very few people will use, which serves no NEEDS, only WANTS

if your roof is leaking, taking out a loan to fix it makes sense.

what would be better is canceling your daily trip to the tittie bar and not stuffing $200 into Jasmine's G-string for a few days so you can pay cash to the roofer.

but the politicians LOVE Jasmine, and they want to help her strip her way through cosmetology school. if that means they gotta bankrupt the system, thats fine, cuz when Jasmine becomes a licensed beautician she will pay all those sweaty Hundie Sticks back in taxes right?

thats Keynesian Economics. You gotta tip the stripper or the hairdressers academy will close.