Apple Tree


Well-Known Member
I would like to put some plants outside and my only area is close to an apple tree. I would like to transplant them into the ground. Do you think the ground would be too acidic if I did this? Leaving them in pots is not a problem either. I never pick up the apples when they hit the ground so there has been a lot of apples decompose over the years.


Well-Known Member
If you think the soil is suspect, just bury your pots in the ground. this will provide top quality soil and by putting in the ground it will moderate the root temp and lengthen watering times


Well-Known Member
make sure you pots are 1 gallon for ever foot of height you expect at harvest. so double how big they are now
5 ft plant needs 5 gal pail
3ft 3 gal


Well-Known Member
If you think the soil is suspect, just bury your pots in the ground. this will provide top quality soil and by putting in the ground it will moderate the root temp and lengthen watering times
Well, I look at this two ways.

1. The soil is very fertile due to all the decomposition over the years and a great place to grow.
2. The soil is acidic due to the nature of the apples decomposing, and not a good place.

Just not sure which it would be.


Well-Known Member
if you have a few plants try to plant one or two in the ground there and leave most in the pots. maybe u will have good luck. either way, next season u will know which option is best.


Well-Known Member
u could probably plant them in the ground .. i have apple trees and plants seem to love it under there


Well-Known Member
u could probably plant them in the ground .. i have apple trees and plants seem to love it under there
Do you clean up the apples that fall or are you like me and just let the damn things just lay there.


New Member
Don't plant directly under the tree.

First usually not enough light gets to the plant.

Second you don't want falling apples hitting your baby!

Last don't forget about the bugs, they'll eat the shit out of your plants.

Oh i usually wear an old sock around for a few days, let it get good and stinky, and tie strips of it near your plants........The deer will stay far away!!