Apollo 11 + Cali-Haze Grow#1


Hi, fellow rollitup members!!

I am a new grower/gardener of marijuana and I have decided to start taking things a little more serous now that I am able too. I am posting this thread to look for any advice that can be given to help this grow go as smooth as possible. So I decided to build my very own grow room out of wood. Its dimensions are 2ft x 3.5ft x 6ft, leaving roughly 1.6ft x 2.8ft to grow with. I was currently under hard times with money so I decided that I would build the grow room and try to maintain a few plants at the same time.
Ive come to the conclusion that this is very hard to do especially when you don't have much of a idea of what you are doing. Anyway I got the essential parts of the room built with minor difficulties, and thats the frame with the plastic covering, intake, outtake, and where the light will hang. I was unable to find the plastic material that was reflective so I used a clear plastic paint tarp to cover the frame and then covered that clear tarp with another black tarp of the same material. I recently found out they sell the reflective plastic I was looking for at a local horticulture garden shop not to far away. I intend on getting some when I get some more cash.
The whole I idea of this grow was to run a operation of 1-2 plants while the supplies were being added to the grow room. Prior in the year I had gotten ahold of some Apollo 11 seeds from a online distributor thinking I was gonna be able to grow but plans fell through. So I kept the seeds and just now am able to use them. Also I acquired some Cali Haze seeds from a local and kept them as well.
During the construction of the grow room the 2 seeds, 1 of each the Apollo 11(A11) and the Cali Haze(CaliXX), were being germinated. Eventually the room came together and I now have 2 seedlings, 1 of each. The CaliXX germinated first and the A11 a day after. I am currently using the following:

6in Duct booster -Exhaust (top)
2 4in bathroom exhaust fans- (Intake)
I still have not figured out how to handle the smell of the plants. I am currently saving for possibly a carbon filter which I would attach to the duct booster.
Various Oscillating clip fans (strategically placed)
150watt hps (main light source)
Various CFLs 20-30watt (strategically placed)
Recently acquired a 2 tube T12 fixture and intend on using a T8 30watt (intend on using once plants are bigger)

Canna Coco
A+B nutes

Temperatures in the grow box are right around 82 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and night 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Ive been reading alot from a book by Jorge Cervantes called Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor Outdoor Medical Growers Bible gathering information and checklists to maintain a healthy grow. However I dont want to be limited to just that source so I decided to start threading my grow just incase there were problems that were not addressed in the book. I currently lost my camera so pictures will be delayed until I can get a hold of a camera. This will be my first Serous grow and I intend on only getting better and better with every grow. I currently have 9 A11 seeds and 9 Calixx seeds waiting for germination after I feel comfortable with the way the grow room is turning out. For now I will hope that these 2 seedlings become females so I can see the full integrity of this make shift grow room. I am open to any ideas to help this grow room be successful. Any advice????

I am also a little confused on how to use this canna nutes just because people say to use different amounts all the time. So I started my seedlings out with 5ml of each A and B for right now and have seen no problems. Also Ive been reading about different types of nutes made by canna but I am unsure what would be best. What ones should I get and when should I use them and how much is preferable? Money sound not be a problem soon and I have full intentions on providing as much care as needed for these plants.

One Last question... With the space I have to grow in, I was wondering on how to approach the style of grow. I have decided not to scrog because it would be to hard to deal with especially with my little experience and knowledge of growing Marijuana. I plan on attempting Scrog with the next grow. As far as this grow goes...how should I prune it, should I prune it? Increasing yield would be amazing if possible.

Thanks fellow RIU users
Any advice is appreciated. I will try to post pictures soon.