

Well-Known Member
Hairyllama did u really eat 13 one milligram zanax? Thats a very dangerous dose and your lucky u woke up the next day. My old weed dealer from California (i now live in Oregon) seriously just died from a zanax over dose. Be carfull people, i know its fun but use in moderation.
Sorry bout your dealer man. But seriosuly ive taken 9 1mg tablets crushed and its a very drunk feeling, im 6 3 and weigh 140 but im pretty tolernt to most Drugs. U gotta be careful with benzos cuz if ther mixed with other drugs like alcohol, opiates or even weed, its easy to overdose. Benzos alone are one of the hardest drugs to overdose on, its usually never lethal unless mixed with other drugs.


Well-Known Member
IMO it's easier to blackout for days when on a benzo binge than when binging on booze, weed, or pain pills.

They are fun, but not to be fucked with or taken lightly.


alprazolam is the generic of xanax, now xanax is stronger than valium but doesn't last as long. Think of it this way 1mg alprazolam is the equivalent to about 10mg valium. Just doesn't last as long, I've taken about 20 .5mg alprazolam over the course of about 6-9 hours, was told I lucked out but then again I done my share of stuff back in the day but remember know your limits, if you don't ask b4 you try. I ultimatly passed the fook out, stayed somewhat active and then pooped out again lol...