Anyone watch True Blood?


Well-Known Member
Anyone watch the new series true blood? I just watched tonights episode and wanted to chat about it no one I know watches it


Active Member
The show is pretty interesting to me. I never read the books though so I dont know how it compares. Tara annoys me though and I kinda just wish Sookie and Bill would get it on already


Well-Known Member
suki annoys me but can't stop watching it sux cause it's on at the same time as dexter....oh well that's what ondemand is for.


Well-Known Member
We're giving it a try... It is too long IMO - Entourage should be an hour, this show should be 30 minutes.


Well-Known Member
I know what you mean I don't know why I watch it I mean really it is not that interesting but I can help but watch it. I get a lot of those shows on demand so I don't have any worries about if a show over laps with another one I like and anything not on demand I TiVo but come tuesday night when I sit down to watch my line up its usually right after Stargate Atlantis.

Tho when i look at my line up of TV shows a good chunk of them are boring. CSI is a bunch of people in a lab talking. House is a bunch of people in an office talking lol I mean I guess I am a sucker for boring TV lol


Well-Known Member
Well i started watching it cause my friend recommended to me cause he enjoyed it. So far i think i'll continue watching it, It seems alot better than "Prison Break". I agree with the comment that Tara is annoying, She has to be my least favorite character. Im just wondering how in the hell sookie can do what she does (dont wanna spoil it). Seems a bit odd for any mortal to pull off.


Well-Known Member
Well i started watching it cause my friend recommended to me cause he enjoyed it. So far i think i'll continue watching it, It seems alot better than "Prison Break". I agree with the comment that Tara is annoying, She has to be my least favorite character. Im just wondering how in the hell sookie can do what she does (dont wanna spoil it). Seems a bit odd for any mortal to pull off.

Which episode

Spolier (highlight below area to read)

The part where she heals up after they attack her? If that's what you mean then it is because she drinks Bills blood and I would assume that it gave her the vampires healing ability for a short time.

tho that part did throw mw for a loop also
