Anyone watch Burn Notice.


Well-Known Member
Just curious if anyone watches and likes the show. Chilling watching it now...Finale


Active Member
Good show, but you got to admit...

Shark Jumper from show 1.

Enjoyable... Kinda like McGuyver. You know it's half true... But, still great to watch.


Active Member
Jumping the shark is like going to far.

There term came from the Happy Days episode were The Fonz does a water skiejump over a shark.

Normally it means the show will only last that season.

I could be wrong. Just pointing out that the show is pretty over the top from day one. Once again not picking on it.


Well-Known Member
yea over the top but never know what they do. Dads friend did stuff like that and became a leader of the cia in the northeast. Along time ago


That show screws with me when I'm high. They do that camera freeze thing during the action sequences and I have enough of that going already.


Active Member
Head Dude, Sir. <hehehehehehe>

No one ever ran around blowing up as much or having all the shoot outs. That's why I say over the top. Just like my buddy Mac, most of it is based in fact... Just pushed to the extreme.


Well-Known Member
yea nothing like his whip... and I have fucked a fiona...Obv not the real one but yea too thin