anyone want to look at my messed up ladies?


Active Member
anybody want to make a list of issues i have?
on the hairs some are singing and turning brown at the tips, any reason why?
i did spray them with sarenade last week then let them dry 30 min before poutting them back under the light

rest of the issues i thought were nitrogen def..all im using is aqua flakes a and b from house and garden..1000ppm ro water cal mag 5ml per gallon flood and drain 25 gal res..but the tips of the new leaves look like nute burn

i just switched to ro system this week
for the previous 6 weeks it was all using hard water 520 ppm from tap

guess all the pics came out terrible...fuck...

thought they were doing well until i pulled them out into normal light...they all look like shit



Active Member
"for the previous 6 weeks it was all using hard water 520 ppm from tap" - are you serious? That is an insanly high number out of the tap, I can see why you got the RO.

Not to be obvious but ..... ya thats probably it. Id wait about two weeks and make a judgement call then as to if the RO is solving the issues or not. Kinda sucks to be stuck this late in the game but hey.


Active Member
yes the hard water became a issue and i ordered the ro system..i have local growers using same water and it was fine with them..and others said it was terrible..think they will improve then?


Active Member
Personaly.. YES.
I cant see how a natural hardness of over 500 could NOT be screwing shit up.
That hardly even leaves room for plant food before getting into dangerous EC levels.


Well-Known Member
Flush your plants well, add some Fox Farm Bloom Big or some other weak nute to the last bit of flush water. I think you are suffering from not enough of the mobile 3 N/P/K. In flowering, your plants can tolerate, and use probably 1300 - 1500 ppm's. But I'd flush to just to make sure all salts are leeched out. You may have salt lock up.


Active Member
if i flush with just a gallon of 5.8 ph ro water is that gonna be ok?
or is it possible to dunk the 6 inch rockwool cubes up to the top of cube a few times into a 5 gallon bucket of ro water ? would that work to flush?

when u say add Fox Farm Bloom Big do you mean into my res from now on? or just for the flush?

thanks guys for the help this is my first grow and it has been an absolute diaster hahaha im surprised they lived this long