anyone use human compost


Well-Known Member
Here's a good story....
I worked at the waste water facility in Yosemite national park. We would run the waste water through the processing plant separating the "sludge" from the water. The sludge would cook down/ break down, then after going through the plant, we would add a chemical to it and pump it into these 30' x 60' drying beds to dry out in the sun. After it would dry out, we scooped it up with a loader, and used it for landscaping fill. Looked just like regular dirt.
After we landscaped the place, we put in ornamental plants to make the place look good. After adding water for a few days to the ornamental plants, we noticed new plants coming up from the compost. Upon further inspection they were tomato plants. Yes, volunteer tomato plants. We called them "ass-hole tomatoes" The tomato seeds went through the human body, then the processing plant, cooked down, chemicals added to it, processed again only to survive and become a plant.
We had huge, beautiful tomato plants everywhere. Only a few employees would take the tomatoes home and eat them.
So in my experience, human compost will work just fine!
Good luck...


Well-Known Member
Your an idiot, I know from experience that cow shit will make your weed taste like cow shit because I've actually done it. There are other threads stating that fish emulsion made their weed taste fishy. Also how do you explain cat piss weed? Obviously grown by cat owners. Another thing you won't be able to find on threads and in text books (which is obviously all you know) is that they will obtain certain traits from their environment ie. flowering time, smell/taste hermaphroditic tendacys, the anthocyanin gene that makes them turn purple in cold weather etc. When the settlers brought pigs over it only took three generations in the wild to start growing tusks and courser hair. Herreken, you must be smokin way too much bat guano because you seem a little batty. LOL
I have to know,...what are you growing in? Using chemicals? Weed grown in cow shit tastes like cow shit....LMFAO. Cat piss weed is Obviously grown by cat owners....LOLOLOL!
Good one!


Active Member
ok I know i'm a little late on this thread but yea i use human compost to keep the hogs and deer away. I hold it till i get to the site and then let loose everytime i get out there. seems to be working great.