Anyone running the Prism science 1000 watt ballast?


Well-Known Member
So you'll go by youtube videos, cheap chinese ballast rep say, and icmag guys opinions but not the Gavita? who's name is on the box( phllips, partner , are the manufacturer of the bulb) ....................make's sense:roll:, i'll show myself out

good luck with your agenda of cutting corners on lighting over this cash crop, sounds brilliant
lemme see, where to start, I take nothing for granted, youtube, NO factory reps including Gavita and no icmag guys. They are all just a guideline, do you have any evidence that the gavita is the only ballast that can run the lamp "optimally". (I'll wait, but not longer than a month). The only thing the growerhouse rep said was that the ballast would work with them, which is reasonable to believe. The gavita rep will say it won't run them "OPTIMALLY". What does that even mean? The gavita puts out 1% more par? 2%? 10%?.
Since you are the resident ballast guru on RIU, (the icmag guys are all idiots and liars) how does the electricity coming out of the gavita differ from the chinee ballast? I think I will email the joker at gavita with that question. We need people to independently test these things like they do PSU's. Jonnyguru tests psu's I wish he would expand to ballasts. oh yeh, I don't sell pot so it's not a "cash" crop for me.
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Well-Known Member
Lol, just got a reply from Roy Voordouw gavita rep, he wouldn't comment on what makes the gavita superior to other ballasts or more optimal or efficient, just ducked the question with this "We do not give support on products that are not ours, I apologize for that. We would recommend to use our bulbs in combination with our ballast for optimal efficiency and quality." Gee, didn't see that coming!