Anyone notice their electric bills go up this time of year?


Well-Known Member
Now i'm not talking about because your running any electric heaters or heating blankets. I use literally the same amount of power every month. Without fault. I am a little "OCD" on the fact am am very careful even when reducing the amount I use. Over the past 9-12 months my electric bill has been very routine, and for the most part (except when the electric company prorates. Yet, I get my bill in last week for the month of November and my bill is over triple the normal cost! What the hell!!! I HAVEN'T changed anything. Anyone else experience this?


Well-Known Member
Furnace doesn't even turn on due to the heat my grow room produces. Water heater is on the same amount everyday. (Very stringent on showers and even dish washing)


Well-Known Member
you got a bunch of field billies living close by, look for extension cords going in your garage. (same as hill billies but flat land people)

Something is very wrong if it's 3 x, I know I'm the guy they send to check it out.


Well-Known Member
If you haven't changed anything, and no one in your family is using a ton more electricity then it sounds like the elec. company fucked up your bill.


Active Member
its called an estimated bill....

all the u.s. utility co's do it in the winter...
Yeah have had this happen when they couldn't manually take readings (like snow storms, ice, hurricanes, etc...) so they just send an estimated bill to everyone in the area.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
do you have one of those bar graphs that shows your monthly usage? perhaps one of the delivery charges changed but if you're talking double and triple you either used more juice or your meter is busted.


Active Member
If your heater in your house runs on gas,the electric side of the bill might not have risen.


Well-Known Member
This is why I like to do outdoors,
Lol :D

Still love the outdoor grows. Just not as efficient as Indoors.
Mother Nature kicked my arse plenty outside. Inside, I get to schmooze
her and woo her to help me out.

No more dirt/dust in the bud, no grasshoppers munching, no hailstorms or wind knock down.
I've lost many plants to to the Santa Anna Winds blowing through the neighborhood.

Yeah, ol' bb57 likes the great outdoors but prefers the inside for the killer crops.

Thaiway To Heaven.

Kush, kush, look at that bush.



Well-Known Member
Power prices typically rise during the winters, oil, electricity, heating oil, natural gas. Happens everywhere becasue the suppliers have a harder time getting these sources during the winter months. Plus the costs of adding things to fuel to make them work better in winter causes prices to rise for distributors which then pass the additional cost on to the customer.


Well-Known Member
fuel costs shouldnt be an issue we have a wind farm here to power the city... i found out that the issue was "There was to much snow by the meter to check it (we had only received 1/2" and only have a total of one inch on the ground) So, I told them to check my meter and guess what!!?!!? my bill went down by the amount it was added by!! Back to normal. LAZY FUCKING ELECTRICAL WORKERS in my area!