Anyone in the ground yet in Southern ONT?


Active Member
Hey guys I just wanna know if anyone actually has there crops started outside in the ground and rolling yet?

So I went on my local weathernetwork and checked out my forecast for the next 14 days and I seen a couple days next week where it drops into the 40's but after the 13 in about a week Im in the clear. The Highs would be in 80/70's and at night Lows would be in 50's.

I've been thinking alot about going out and just like Droping 5 or 10 in right now.. cuase I'm so eager to get my outdoor crop rolling

and even if it happens to rain too hard or get little too cold at night I'd go out there and placed cut in half pop bottles over them for the night or place something over them to keep them warm and cheat a little lol

I have some in solo cups since april 24th, doing nice growing big and and I have about 10 in my dome that I did on the 3rd and iam just waiting now for them to show roots threw the side of the pellets so I can move to cups.

Roots NlBB.jpg


Active Member
I got mine out last weekend buds...gonna be monsters
shitt I knew it I just went out to my local TSC store this morning and bought 8 bags of top soil.

I'm gonna go outside and dig a couple 3x3 holes. fill 'em with my Top Soil/Perlite/Vermiculite mix drop some clones intoday .