anyone grown Purple Maroc?


Well-Known Member
This is my 2011 strain. I know some things of this strain not too many though. If anyone comes across this thread who has pics of their purple maroc grow please post. any knowledge or anything youd like to add on as far as info on this strain please post as well thank you :peace:

a pic the seed bank provided for me.purple-maroc-seeds-231-p.jpg


I just ordered some beans the other day and got this stain as a freebie. I'm also an indoor grower and now i'm extremely excited about this strain thus far. so have you popped the seeds yet/ hows the growing going so far. please keep up posted..
Got this strain as a freebee,.... having had issues with my GrandDaddy purple indoors, (and none outdoors) and reading that it's "Unreliable" for indoor growth I'll hold off growing it until I can do my outdoor garden.

If anyones growing it indoors let me know how it's working out! :D


so here's my first little update. since the 13th I have a weedling of Blue Mystic, Purple Haze and yes even the Purple Maroc, to my surprise. all are being started from jump in rapid rooters soaked then, sitting above a bowl of water (with hygrozyme, superthrive and schultz 10.15.10), all of this inside of my hot house under a single T5 for 24 hrs. so far all 3 are about 3 inches out of the top of the rooters with tap roots out of the seed pods reaching for the water.

don't mind my Pure Michigan clone.IMG_20110218_130836.jpg



Well-Known Member
I too got a purple maroc freebie with my order - i'm an indoor only grower - but popped into rockwool just this morning..... it's in the tray in the corner with the other seedlings.... I'll keep it updated on reliability with indoors.... as it is advertised as UNreliable for indoor growth - I'm not expecting anything from it - just really an experiment.


Active Member
I just got a purple maroc seed as a freebie I would like to grow it indoors as a mother plant to clone off of for a guerilla grow. It is a feminized seed though.


Well-Known Member
My purple maroc freebie is growing kinda weird. The leaves won't open up, they just kind of point straight upward. Am I doing something wrong?


I figured maybe the light was too close and moved it, but other than that I don't know why they would do this.


Well-Known Member
wow -you're right - my seed is only a day or two behind yours... I will take a pic for you tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Keep me posted then, I've been looking at other people's PM seedlings and they all look normal. It's making me paranoid...


my PM seedling looks the same. (leaves haven't opened up) I planted a blue mystic and purple haze all at the same time the other two look fab while the PM looks rather drab..IMG_20110222_013009.jpg


so.. ive been reading and im in the same boat.. my purple maroc didnt open its cotydelon til abou 2 days after the othe 17 seedlings in my humidity dome.. and sense i tranfered the seedlings to hydro theyve all flourished..and loving my 150hps.. all except purple maroc.. she accually and i say this with all seriousness is running away from the water.. the roots arent dropping ino the wate.. there accually wraping around the bottom of the net pot to stay away.. she is severly stunted and cotydelon seem to be nute burned with ppm 150.. only bioroot and flora grow.. minimum dosage.. so dont ever put her in hydro.. im gonna put her outside as soon the weather breaks


@ Haddy, now your seriously hurting my feelings. I wasn't too worried about this seed (as to weather this seed flourished or not) but now I'm about to give up hope. dammit to hell I was starting to get excited. but thanks for the info..happy growingIMG_20110222_013026.jpg
my maroc looks so sad next to the purple haze and blue mystic


Well-Known Member
Wow, when they said it was unreliable indoors, they weren't dickin around. I might just kill mine to make room for the new seeds I'm brining in. I'm much more excited about Sugar Black Rose, Northern Light Blue and Big Widow than these. They don't even seem worth the time now that I'm seeing everyone else is having trouble. The only positive results I've seen were on outdoor grows.


aww.. dumpster your soo lucky.. i just had a daughter sunday night but before then i was gonna grow those exact same strains.. good luck bro.. i look foward to seeing their progress


Coop.. dont get discouraged... your purple maroc looks way better than mine.. she must be loving that soil..and Dumpter your soo lucky bro.. i was gonna gro those same stains but i just had a daughter so i need to save money