Anyone following the killing spree in Norway?


Well-Known Member
Yea my yahoo homepage had an ad about it.. don't know much more. I could never shoot 80 people that I didn't know...


Well-Known Member
Yea my yahoo homepage had an ad about it.. don't know much more. I could never shoot 80 people that I didn't know...
Yeah I think their just finding out about how he killed 80 people I guess he went to some camp after blowing up building and killed 80 people a bunch of them were kids he went to a kids camp on some island-What an ass hole, what's wrong with this world? .

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
He blew up the Oil Ministry building and then went to a summer camp for children of the Labor Party. He called the kids over to him (dressed as a police officer) and then opened fired. He is originally from Norway. So far they are saying the incidence has no ties with Islam or the Middle East.


Well-Known Member
Damn why hurt the kids...I would rather you kill the person you mad at if you have to kill at all or you could kill yourself then just haunt the person you are mad at for the rest of their life...they say the crazy guy was a christian with conservative views...I guess this is one that can't blame on Allah

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I don't really have any issue whatsoever with someone bombing a government building, but the youth island, that was just crazy, my thoughts go out to all thsoe effected.

However, i also sit here feeling rather grimly amused, at the time of the story all the american news sites and chat boards lit up with muslim hatred, saying that can we all now agree muslims are evil, Al-Qaeda al Qaeda yada yada this that and the other, oh wait, he's a christian :lol: it's amazing how brainwashed most of society is.


Active Member
i wonder what the real motives really were. he didnt just shoot random kids he shot the YOUNG wing of the labor party.


Well-Known Member
just wait... you will see more and more of this, as disenfranchised people seek revenge for our societies ills.

jeff f

New Member
I don't really have any issue whatsoever with someone bombing a government building,
what the fuck is wrong with you?

to any idiot that thinks its okay to bomb innocents anywhere....go fuck yourselves. youre fucking savages.

you change the systems in govt, you dont blow the people working in the system up. use your fucking brains.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
what the fuck is wrong with you?

to any idiot that thinks its okay to bomb innocents anywhere....go fuck yourselves. youre fucking savages.

you change the systems in govt, you dont blow the people working in the system up. use your fucking brains.
Nothing is wrong with me :) i do not like governments, you can change them all you want and you know what, they all end up the same, just look at the fantastic job the USA pulled off with their bid for independence and all that lot :lol:

Nope, i am a rebel so to speak, i do not consent to government. If they think they have the right to violate all of my rights, break into my home, this and that then yeah, i've not an issue with them ending up dead. Americans have gun laws you're all patriotic about, always quoting "my dead fingers" and such, yet none of you do fuck all with them, it's a joke. Nope, i've no issue with governments being irradiated :) And the government are anything but innocent, mine for example commit treason, tyranny, violate rights, sovereign laws domestic and foreign, murder innocent people en mass and any individuals who might cause them some embarrassment. To each their own, you go on supporting the idea of someone living the high life off your taxes while systematically screwing anything and everything over :)

And i'm a fucking savage? Last i checked my country didn't have the death sentence ;)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
you are fucking nuts too. this guy was a sick idiot with apparently no following. there arent a bunch of disgruntled middle class white guys huddled in churches figuring out how to kill innocent people.....turd gurglers
You've never visited Ireland then :lol::lol::lol:


Well-Known Member
what the fuck is wrong with you?

to any idiot that thinks its okay to bomb innocents anywhere....go fuck yourselves. youre fucking savages.

you change the systems in govt, you dont blow the people working in the system up. use your fucking brains.
Blood in the streets will be the change to the system, we are ted up and we are armed.

by your statement you believe that the entire NAZI government was innocent, sorry but that is incorrect, by working for the machine that eats people's rights, you are yourself conspiring to take away people's rights.

oh its not the police officer listening in to your phone calls that is the problem, its the law that says he can, it has nothing to do with his decision to bug your phoneline.


Well-Known Member
If you work for McDonald's you are just as guilty for serving crap food, as the person who owns the company.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
In which case how am i such a terrible person and yourself not Jeff, when your government(s) have been blowing up and killing innocent people for the past decade, and now you've got drones so you can violate foreign laws and kill whoever you want without even having to get your hands dirty. Seems changing the government hasn't stopped them changing the lives of innocent people. that is to say fro alive to dead, but sure, change, all we need :lol:

jeff f

New Member
Blood in the streets will be the change to the system, we are ted up and we are armed.

by your statement you believe that the entire NAZI government was innocent, sorry but that is incorrect, by working for the machine that eats people's rights, you are yourself conspiring to take away people's rights.

oh its not the police officer listening in to your phone calls that is the problem, its the law that says he can, it has nothing to do with his decision to bug your phoneline.
yes, cuz those filthy norwegians are just like the nazi's.

and you suggest we bomb govt buildings, not the police, and the mcdonalds workers?

1-800-iamfuckingretardedandneedseriousmentaltherapy. thats the number that can help you. please fucking use it.


Well-Known Member
Nope, i am a rebel so to speak...
you are not a rebel. you are some dude on a computer. a rebel would be on the front lines fighting the opposing army rather than advocating the murder of innocent people.

you want to overthrow the government? mount an insurrection, face off with those who are willing to fight.

you want to blow up buildings full of innocent people? you are a coward and a terrorist. case closed.


Well-Known Member
you are fucking nuts too. this guy was a sick idiot with apparently no following. there arent a bunch of disgruntled middle class white guys huddled in churches figuring out how to kill innocent people.....turd gurglers
No, they'd rather spend their time plotting on which ultar boy to molest next.

jeff f

New Member
you are not a rebel. you are some dude on a computer. a rebel would be on the front lines fighting the opposing army rather than advocating the murder of innocent people.

you want to overthrow the government? mount an insurrection, face off with those who are willing to fight.

you want to blow up buildings full of innocent people? you are a coward and a terrorist. case closed.
dude, tried to rep you on this but gotta spread some.....prolly cuz youre a lib. hehe

good post, right on!