Anyone ever successfully cloned a single leaf?


Well-Known Member
theres been alot of controversy on this one. most will laugh and say no,. but ive seen others on here arguing it can be done and they have done it(there camera happened to be broken .cough. bullshit.ahem). But everyone agreed that even if it coud be done, you would only ever have one leaf with roots cuz it cant really grow. i say hell no


Well-Known Member
no.......period dont care what or who what said that said he or she said that said said it. Its not possible.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I have done it, and I have a tek for it.

Take your leaf, put it in a scanner, scan the leaf, print out the picture, cut it out.


Beyond that, I don't think it can be done.


Well-Known Member
The answer straight up is yes. there is a type of propagation that does this.

You take a piece of a leave and start a tissue culture.

In cloning you take a stem that has the nutes and hormones to make new roots.

In tissue culture you are feeding cells to help them multiply and grow out to a new plant.

Cloning obviously take less time. Tissue culture is good if you only have a leaf and a sterile environment and lots of time on your hands.


New Member
In my early days of cloning I attempted to clone a fan leaf. I got it to root and that was it. No new growth above ground, just roots. After about 2 months I just threw it out.

Just my .02
I've seen a picture of this being done with another type of plant in a propagation book. They sliced a leat in half (side to side), probably added a hormone, then just stuck it in the soil, tip of leaf pointing skyward. Don't know if it can be done with cannabis though.

Muscle Bud

Active Member
I have a cloned leaf right now. It was cloned / rooted at the leaf stem and as noted earlier has roots no new growth, just the leaf. I'll take and post pics if anyone wants me to.



Active Member
if a leaf had the potential to grow more than itself, then it would do so while attatched to your plant. It does nothing besides maybe grow bigger, but extra stems and leaves, impossible. Look at any weed plant for proof.


Active Member
in order to clone any plant you need a growth node so a reproducing node can sprout a 'new' plant