Anyone ever grown Ed Rosenthal Bud? Pics?


Well-Known Member
I have also been wandering the same things.I think with the price for those seeds and no one growing them,they are probably to old to even germinate by now.I guess you are just buying the name and getting seeds that aren't good.Who knows?I sure would like to.If it is really good,I'd prolly order some, but then,I don't want to give my left nut and a thumb for something I still have to put a lot of work into!


Well-Known Member
That is NOT a pissing contest I care to get into my friend, please observe my post again that does not say A FUCKIN' THING about genes. Many FANTASTIC breeders have great genes and FANTASTIC genes, but that's not what I said. I am a fan of the Dog but cannot afford his gear. THAT'S WHAT I SAID! Peace........


Well-Known Member
Paying for the name. Not to say here doesn't deserve anything, just sayin. $$ amount doesn't say how good genes are ya know. For all you know it was mex bag seed grown out.