anyone ever grow a bonzai tree?


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2563858Im going to get some stuff for transplanting three ficus today from seed. Any recommendations for a nube? Im hopeing to find some pots at the garden store but im doubtfull. Might have to internet order. Just looking for soil composition. Everyone on youtube has a different mix, its so frustrating. Any awsome links welcome. Also, anybody know what i should be feeding a reclaimed beaver chewed juniper living in a bucket and how often. I was just thinking some 3-3-3 but ive got grow and bloom nutes too. The 3-3-3 is organic and the gr and bloom are synthetic. Lol im a nuuuuuubeeeeee :):):)
As far as soil goes it's my opinion that it's personal preference really. I think most trees like the soil to be alittle airy though. I just use soil that is in my yard that is kind of airy already with little pebbles in it and what not. I add 20% compost from my back yard. I add maybe 20% perlite to make it even alittle more airy. And a handful of EWC. Mix it all up and now baby you got a stew going. I've been buying GH 3 part micro for all my feeding needs and just give them a sip now and then. Probably get Dyna-grow after that runs out since it's the cheapest. I give them a bit of compost tea as well.

I did alittle landscaping on my MJ so you can't even see the soil much anyways...



Active Member
Casserole dishes! Great idea.... Also not too sure why I didn't think of ebay before... I guess I am just a bit stuck on the idea of bonsai as a specific type or form, as opposed to improvising or otherwise.
I am really glad this thread is still going! Bonsai growers unite! :)


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2563858Im going to get some stuff for transplanting three ficus today from seed. Any recommendations for a nube? Im hopeing to find some pots at the garden store but im doubtfull. Might have to internet order. Just looking for soil composition. Everyone on youtube has a different mix, its so frustrating. Any awsome links welcome. Also, anybody know what i should be feeding a reclaimed beaver chewed juniper living in a bucket and how often. I was just thinking some 3-3-3 but ive got grow and bloom nutes too. The 3-3-3 is organic and the gr and bloom are synthetic. Lol im a nuuuuuubeeeeee :):):)
Ficus make some very nice bonsai. Not to be a downer, but that variety you have pictured has quite large leaves. The smaller the leaves the better, and they make much more believable bonsai. That's why no one bonsai's oak trees, because they have too large of leaves, and pruning does little to reduce size. Not to discourage you, as they will be good to start with, but when looking for bonsai specimens in the future, opt for small leaves ;)

Also when it comes to bonsai soil mix, very well drainage is needed. Turface is the best bonsai soil amendment. I use a pro-mix like I use for my MJ (50% peat, 25% perlite, 25% vermiculite/bark), and then I add the turface. Cactus and succulent mixes will suffice if you can't find turface or bonsai mix.

It can be confusing because lets say you have a maple tree. If your growing it outside in the ground, the soil doesn't need to be anything fancy. BUT if you are to bonsai any type of maple, then that is a whole new game. Because of the small pots and small root systems, requirements are much different than if you were to plant the tree in a normal pot or in the ground. Good drainage prevents a lot of issues, and the turface helps create the fine feeder roots needed for healthy bonsai.


Active Member
HOLY SHITBALLS how about this!
I went to Salvation Army thinking it would be a bit of a waste of time; the chances they would have something I could use... Possible, not probable... Well, check this motherfucker out!
It's some kind of cooking dish, fondue maybe? Perfect depth, decently wide, and terra cotta no less!
Also, $3.99. Lol
Win win if you ask me. I will drill three holes very carefully and voila! Bonsai pot. Thank you neosapien and nameless. You guys rock.



Well-Known Member
HOLY SHITBALLS how about this!
I went to Salvation Army thinking it would be a bit of a waste of time; the chances they would have something I could use... Possible, not probable... Well, check this motherfucker out!
It's some kind of cooking dish, fondue maybe? Perfect depth, decently wide, and terra cotta no less!
Also, $3.99. Lol
Win win if you ask me. I will drill three holes very carefully and voila! Bonsai pot. Thank you neosapien and nameless. You guys rock.
View attachment 2564702
That's definitely a nice find for 4 bucks! Just remember when you're drilling to put some water in the pot first to cool down the bit cuz depending what kind of metal the bit is it could melt. Also obviously the water will leak out when you go through so make sure you're in an area that can be leaked upon. Nice find, it's pays to be savvy eh. :D

I got a link to my pén jǐng (bonsai) journal in my sig if you are interested check it out.


Well-Known Member
I'd really like to pick up a bonsai plant some day - I do have some decorative (um, plastic) ones in the casa. In the meanwhile, I'll practice my LSTing so I can bonsai w/ the best of them :)