Anybody here grow pepper plants, indoors, hydroponically?

Larry {the} Gardener

Well-Known Member
Lol I used to watch a lot of shitty daytime television back when I created this user name.

Yes, I did eat one. Was really high working in my garden a few weeks back and noticed a small ripe pod on the plant, my curiosity got the best of me and I took a small bite out of it...big mistake! It was about 20 min of intense heat and sweating, totally killed my buzz. Makes the habanero growing next to it seem mild. Gotta say the flavor of the habanero before the heat kicks in is one of my favorites...fantastic for salsas and cooking with.

Anyways, haven't really updated lately since nothing has really changed. The habanero is producing probably 20 pods a week now, maybe 5 or so a week from the Moruga...haven't really been counting but its steady production. I've got a big bag full of fresh pods that I'm going to pickle soon. Anyone have any good pepper pickling spice suggestions or complete recipes?
My wife does a few pickled peppers most years. I'll try to remember to ask her for the recipe.

I have 30 pepper plants in the ground now, and about 50 more sprouts in pots. My Anaheim Chili, Jalapeno Early, Jalapeno Med, California Wonder Bell, Hungarian Yellow Wax and one other unknown pepper are producing now. I cooked up a bunch of them with sausage, onions, squash and stir-fry veggies. Very good.

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
My wife does a few pickled peppers most years. I'll try to remember to ask her for the recipe.

I have 30 pepper plants in the ground now, and about 50 more sprouts in pots. My Anaheim Chili, Jalapeno Early, Jalapeno Med, California Wonder Bell, Hungarian Yellow Wax and one other unknown pepper are producing now. I cooked up a bunch of them with sausage, onions, squash and stir-fry veggies. Very good.
I got a sweet n easy pickled jalepeno recipe larry ill get it up soon