Any1 play Warcraft 3 the frozen throne?


Well-Known Member
Okay, wtf? I bought this game a few months after it came out. Just now installed it on this computer, everything is right, CD Key is definitly legit and correctly typed in, but the game still tells me "Invalid CD Key" when I try to log on to I just reinstalled it today, same thing. Would anyone like to offer a possible explanation, a way to fix this, or another CD Key? I know that you can dl cd key's, but idk how to do it.


Well-Known Member
i never heard of a dloaded cd key working for bnet
i tried
but if you can find one
more power to you
iwould say your best bet is to go to Blizzard Entertainment forums and take it up with tech support
my brother had an issue and just took a pic of his cd posted it and they emaild him a cd key


Well-Known Member
hmm. Could it be a bad ROC cd key? cause my friend did dl that one and ROC has a problem opening when i try. FT works fine though, so idk...could it be from that?


Well-Known Member
im not sure kid
know what?
if you install roc
then run roc and try to get on bnet it will tel you if it is roc or not
then youd know if it is roc or ft