any outdoor snowcap experience?


I know PLENTY of people who have or are growing snow cap..not the best of strain in the world, but a very great distinctive flavor and if grown the right way, will yield you up to 15 pounds a plant outdoors!!! The average grower would have no problem getting 1 or 2 lbs..Last year in Mendocino area, people were going around calling it Strawberry Cough. Someone got a hold of a SHITLOAD of clones that were labeled SC...and he/she started calling it Strawberry cough cause he/she was medicated at the time of purchase....when SC REALLY stood for snow cap....Only reason people really grow the shit is cause it yields so much...wish i had some in the ground this year!!!


Well-Known Member
hey someguy..if you need help.people will help..i have learned so much off here its not funny.......just be patient.......i would be happy to direct you in the right direction...........just ask!!:clap::clap:

Smokus Cannabis

Active Member
Unbelievable. The guy just wanted some info. Snocap is one of the most popular strains in California, has been for years. I'm burning some right now and it's fantastic. So grow that Snocap and post some pics later on, and don't let the jerks get you down.


Active Member
wow! is anyone on this website even from california? cause if theres no on on here from cali then thats sad cause cali hods some of the best growers and strains in the world
To start off.......ive smoked some bubble hash from some snowcap and picked up a oz of bud awhile back tasted pretty good, not the best but good(but what bubble hash doesn't taste good) with that said i dont know how you can come on this forum asking about one specific strain that isent even that good, just a high yeilder......and has anyone else smoked some pretendica,lol ?? thats what high yeilding snowcap is like.

Smokus Cannabis

Active Member
wow! is anyone on this website even from california? cause if theres no on on here from cali then thats sad cause cali hods some of the best growers and strains in the world
I'm from CA too. I suppose since we see this stuff in every single medical MJ collective, it's hard to believe anybody would be ridiculed for growing it. Good luck with your plants, and sorry everybody on here treated you like dirt. Seems like a lot of these mj sites turn into pissing contests. What can you do?
I've grown snowcap many times, huge yield, citrusy flavor, and one puff and the house smells like snowcap incense

not the strongest but good smoke, watch for mold and all the hairs will never brown


hey I think I might have harvested outdoor snowcap this season. I wasn't sure what the seeds were but the buds have very close characteristics of snowcap. I have some pics under my profile. I ended up getting caterpillars and having to chop down early. THere were still a shit ton of crystals and after only 2 weeks of drying the bud it is smoking pretty good

Smokus Cannabis

Active Member
hey I think I might have harvested outdoor snowcap this season. I wasn't sure what the seeds were but the buds have very close characteristics of snowcap. I have some pics under my profile. I ended up getting caterpillars and having to chop down early. THere were still a shit ton of crystals and after only 2 weeks of drying the bud it is smoking pretty good
So far as I know, Snocap is a clone only strain. It's possibly been crossed by now and made into seeds, but I don't know of any seeds. If anybody does, please post.


Active Member
My buddy just got back from the west coast and brought some snowcap with him, and let me tell you WOW. Its a killer strain. Almost dumpster like if you know anything about the dumpster strain originating from ohio.

Really some killer shit. Thrives extremely well outdoors!