Any one build one of these??


Well-Known Member
6,500gal. Thank God my buddy brought his bobcat over. Still had to fine tune it with the shovel!
All is good. still have the bridge planking to lay and the dock planking. Money is tight right now.


Well-Known Member
i have to re-do my wife's. the whole thing. hers is only 200 gallons maybe, but she is getting leaks everywhere. the ground settled over the years and the liner get a bend in it. once that happens it cracks. i wanna start all over. she has algae problems as well. there was no shade over it and it got hot in the summer so the algae blew up. i put an awning over it and it helped.

beautiful pond, nice fish as well. :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks every one!

Algae has really subsided in the past few weeks now that the sun is lower, only a few hours of light on it a day. Before the spring i intend to get a black screen. I forget what its called, some farmers use them over there crops. Also get some water plants in there, big leafed plants seemed to help on my last one.

I spent maybe 2 days on my hands n knees going threw every inch of dirt, making sure we where clear of any twigs,nail,sand spur, anything that will puncture a hole in the liner.

I will try to get some pics of the fish in a min. There is maybe 20-40 fries from the last batch that are getting big and changing color.


Well-Known Member
I've done a few in the past. Worked as a landscape gardener for years, Thats a mighty fine one you got there though. Expensive things. Got any carp??