Any ideas???


I'm closet grow.. 2x2x5 I have a small clip
Fan but humidity high n hot inside..not sure exact temp n humidity% but any ideas on how to lower??? I'm on a tight budget or else I just get dehumidifier...thanks


Well-Known Member
Get the air circulation correct. Do u have a tent a closet.... self built or otherwise? U need to make sure the air in the closet and the room the closet is located is not stagnant. U said u have a clip fan and this may be ok. How are ur temps. Sometimes getting temps right will fix rh probs. Hope this helps out. Oh don't let water sit in the chamber after watering as this could be where its coming from


New Member
I'm closet grow.. 2x2x5 I have a small clip
Fan but humidity high n hot inside..not sure exact temp n humidity% but any ideas on how to lower??? I'm on a tight budget or else I just get dehumidifier...thanks

at home depot u can get a $3 temp / humidity gauge


Anything I can Jimmy rig to relieve a lil bit for the time being?? I have all kinds of materials to make something...A lil help wit something I can make or use?? Humidity real real's a closet I'm growin off floor


Well-Known Member
Not that I can think of search google for diy dehumidifier and see wut u can come out wit. Never really had a prob wit rh after I dialed in my circulation
ya get air circulated and if you have 20 bucks go to walmart and buy a humidifier that mists a good amount of water making the temp go down just have the fan by the humidifier and keep ice water in it and make sure its never dry


punch a hole in the bottom of a bucket..put a screen in the bottom of the bucket...fill bucket with salt (pool salt works best and cheap)...and have something under the bucket to catch excess moisture...put a fan ontop of the bucket(drawing air in) and you have a ghetto de-humidifier! (the salt will draw moisture from the air.


I like that bucket wit salt idea!! I have salt for my fish tank I'll give that a try..I'll let u kno how things work out


what kind of light source are you using? with a small space like a closet cfls are prob. the way to go, espically if you dont have good air circulation