any help


Well-Known Member
Yes. Leave all the leaves on and keep the temps around 95 to 98 degrees. Make sure you wad them buds all together in a nice tight ball. That will help the THC get nice and ripe. Leave it in there for at least three days before you open it to check on that sweet sheeba. Now if you do What I said you will be sure to completely ruin those buds with mold and rot. JK. You want a nice ventilated area to hang the buds. If you only have like a quarter ounce then the pc box should be fine. Clip all the leaves off. Some like to leave the sugar leaves on But fan leaves and big leaves come off. I clip my sugar leaves and make stuff like pot cookies or brownies muffins or just keep the butter for stuff like pasta.


trim fan leaves and leave in darkness no fans on and 1nce a day allow fresh air to curculate