any guesses on harvest amount for this??


Well-Known Member
Do you really think I meant 15lbs per plant? I hope not. I didnt really spam your thread either. You should know what to expect yield wise better than us, you should know what an 1/8 or an Oz. looks like, right? You are the one that can see and feel your buds, not us. Like I said elsewhere, questions like this are kind of silly because all anyone can really do is give you a shot in the dark guess, and what good does that do you? None, really. You should be able to have a good guesstimate of your yield,or at least your goal, based on knowing what you can expect from a set-up like yours, which can easily be found here.


Well-Known Member
he probly does no wat an 8th or an oz looks like wats harm in asking other growers like me with nearly 20 years of growing their opinion and theirs a big difference between wet and dry weed 15lb per plant or per 13 plants you should change your nikname to the bignobhead


Well-Known Member
he probly does no wat an 8th or an oz looks like wats harm in asking other growers like me with nearly 20 years of growing their opinion and theirs a big difference between wet and dry weed 15lb per plant or per 13 plants you should change your nikname to the bignobhead
Are you retarded? I mean really, are you a little slow? Its ok if you are.
You basically quote my post in which I state the already obvious, I wasnt being serious. You are a moron, to even begin to believe that was serious in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Some people have patience, and some don't. You guys need to just light one up and chill out.

lol @ bignobhead, common


Well-Known Member
i meant 15lbs per plant.
dude i do know how to read unless i somehow misinterpeted your reply this is what you wrote...and seeing how i am guessing a harvest based on just plant size because 11 of them arent even budding yet thats why i asked for opinions
again sorry to bother you with a question bigsix last thread i was having issues with cloning and you told me not to beat a dead horse but you did help with some links so thanx but i was kinda looking for guesses with some experience behind them
and to add it really does no good to give bs answers to people links it causes confusion with others that read them granted one should know that a plants doesnt produce 16 lbs normally its still just something that isnt worth saying nice im at 175 posts now awww man bigsix u still beating me lol....


Well-Known Member
then dont post shit ya dumb fuck did your mom drop you at birth you should have been aborted its fuckin retards like you that new growers take serious and fuck their crop up so if ya got nowt serious to say shut the fuck was your mum and dad brother and sister or cousins def related to produce a strain like you ha ha


Well-Known Member
He asked a question and if you don't like his question you can easily not post in the thread. It was even in the title so you never even had to put the effort to click back.
Some people like talking and speculating for fun. We all do in sports and ect thats life. Some people just enjoy it and if your world is so dark and grim you can't attempt to have fun and look at the silver lining then do you and let others be.
I plan to ask this question my self when I do my first grow cause before that seed ever hits the dirt I'm wondering what it's going to give me as well.

Good day


Well-Known Member
and you know what dragon i will be one to say good job m8 looks like it coming along and good luck, not tell you the 15 seeds you just planted are all males cause i have 377 posts and i have dropped countless pointless tads of bullshit in other peoples serious discussions lol....


Well-Known Member
Standox, I gave you an honest answer in your other thread, I didnt really do anything other than bust your balls a bit, and from what ive seen you post, I figured you were smart enough to see that, Guess I was wrong, your just a twat with no sense of humor. And for thebigak or whatever, I have plenty of knowledge, and dont mind sharing it, if this had been an actual important question pretaining to growing. Not a question that can only have speculative answers. I didnt tell standox any misinformation that endangered his grow, did I? I didnt expect him to believe 15pounds per plant, and if anyone thought that was serious, your retarded. And am I the only one who can read well enough to see that 2 others also busted your balls about it, someone said 16lbs, and another said 7 sets of 7 zips(ozs.). I understand that myou guys are new and excited about your first grow(or what ever grow it is) and what not. cool. you should be. but you have also probaly read/heard/already been told you'll most likely get .3-.5 grams per watt of light. So other than to run the numbers on your set up, any yield estimate is merely an educated guess, and like I said earlier, does that really help you? did you really learn anything? No, not really. Do you have expectations for your crops? Do you plan ahead and shoot for a certain amount? Or do you just plant whatever and see what happens? If you have realistic expectations, and are doing things properly, than you should meet those goals that you set, whether or not you feel the need to have someone confirm your hopes for you.I know I'm not the only person who feels this way, I'm just the only person asshole enough to say it like it is. This thread would be much more satisfying to everyone whos read it, if you wouldve put up finished, or near finished shots, and asked the same thing, or even better yet, just waited till the end, and posted up some good bud porn of the finished goods and weights.As for this being a serious discussion standox, is guessing what your yield is from 2 poor pictures really an "important" topic?


Well-Known Member
dude no offense but you are a dick mabey you should be the guy that gets to pick what threads are posted and what not, go pound sand m8 im tired of your relplies im not here to be a typing toughguy im a friendly person but you are getting on my fricken nerves...
and for the record i posted 4 pics not two im sorry i didnt take them out to a medow to photograph them for you

WHERE DO YOU GET OFF telling me what other people want to say but dont? like you said you r the only one asshole enough to say it if i had finished bud i would have a better idea of what i had bottom line my question isnt for you so fuck off gently..i say this with all the respect i can have for you..


Well-Known Member
theirs 3 pics not 2 who's the retard i think its u the pics were ok sum1 wi a bit of know how so ya say u have could have give a good estimate wi out the silly 15lb comment at start of thread yea not an important topic to you but it is for standox or he wont of asked keep it real fist then have a laugh yea


Well-Known Member
theirs 3 pics not 2 who's the retard i think its u the pics were ok sum1 wi a bit of know how so ya say u have could have give a good estimate wi out the silly 15lb comment at start of thread yea not an important topic to you but it is for standox or he wont of asked keep it real fist then have a laugh yea
Standox said there were 4 pics. so youre retarded too. I'll leave you guys alone now. Hope your yields' what you expected standox, best of luck!:spew:


Well-Known Member
lmao i added one arse look at edited time that was the best i had right now he was right there were 3 i wanted to put another shot up, seeing how your first grow was in january according to your first post on rollitup it seems you need to read a book before you spread you diareah of the mouth here leave us retards alone and we will leave you to all powerfull advice teaching one grower at a time the BIGSIX way to do it im glad you didnt ask for yeild amounts judging from your pics,ya i know that was cruel at least i know when i come off like a dickhead//

you provoked me otherwise i would have laughed at the ball busting thnx for your continued subscruption to this thread....


Well-Known Member
Look, bigak, standox, whoever else got their panties in a knot= If I truly pissed on your parade, my bad. But sometimes silly shit gets annoying,and you need to remember to take people with a grain of salt on here, all you new growers get so caught up in "whats my yield gonna be" and other silly nonsense, thats been discussed over and guys know what to expect from your set-up and skill level. Worry less about guessing what youll yield, and worry more about learning what will improve that yield, and you'll be ahead in the long run. And 1 last thing, Standox, whether or not I gave you an ass busting about it or not, did I, or did I not, at least provide you with alot of good information regarding your concerns with cloning? Did I steer you in the wrong direction? Nope, gave you a ton of helpful info.


Well-Known Member
yes you copy and paste like a pro and i thanked you
but i recieved this info after you told me not to post cloning questions because it was "beating a dead horse"
wtf i say to you man where do you get off you are a newcomer to growing why do you feel that you must police what people are pondering or what questions are being asked start you own thread entitled "am i a jackass' ill be right there to confirm it or mabey ask a question that you r serious about and i will come in a take the subject to the oprah fucking winfrey show and make it about something that is totally off track from where it began.....