AnY Experienced Growers !?!


Active Member
one more thing how can i induce flowering i have nutrients that have a grow , boost ,and blossum liquid ive been giving it boost and grow should i give it boost and blossum ?? or wat ? the nurtients are technaflora plant products - recipe for success starter kit. can u check that out and see how i should do it ?


Well-Known Member
You need to read ive said several times the only thing u need to do to start flowering is turn the light cycle to 12 on 12 off as far as everything else u can do the research yourself its not that hard the more u do on your own the more you will understand it cause if youve grown your plants this long and dont even know how to flower your plants then there is much u need to learn and its not asking me to look up everything for you ya know? I thought that is what Google is for! Oh when flowering you use your bloom nutes but i suggest staying away from nutes till u know more about the basics of marijuana cultivation!


Well-Known Member
I can't tell from the pictures, but is your bulb a 2-pin? If it is, the biggest I could find was 26 watt. Maybe add a few more CFL's. However, if you have 4-pin bulbs, something like this might work. I couldn't find anything on the aerogarden site telling me about the bulbs - other than they want $20 for 2 26 watt. If you know the 'base type' for the bulb you can do a search based on that. Replacing your bulbs with brighter ones (if possible) would probably be the easiest and cheapest.


Well-Known Member
Yeah finish your grow with what u have seems to be working and if u dont have any money flower your girls now sell your harvest and aero garden and upgrade! To go bigger u have to spend some cash To do my 600w grow with t5 lighting for veg my room cost @ 1,000 bucks all the best equipment though! Its just what do you want to acheive? Me i want a perpetual harvest of @ 1lb of dried bud every 5 weeks i can do it with what i have. What is your goal?
I'm going for a similar SoG setup right now with a 600W HPS and aeroponic setup.

To get big yields you have to have a big system. Big systems cost big money.


Active Member
im on an entire different level i just want a few ounces every so often im not looking for big i just want to save money on my medicine


Active Member
well hopefully eventually in a couple months i might empty a closet or something its an idea ya kno all depends on how these grow !! ima keep doin what im doin an welll c how it turns out ! ill keep pics posted !!! take it eazY