any body else play disc golf


Well-Known Member
fuck ya disc golf is the best. i started a thread on it a while back. the main course i play at just got ripped out of the park, cuz neighbors were complaining to much about people jumpin fences to get their discs. ive played in a couple tournaments last year, hopefully some more this summer. the sport has been around for a LONG time. but here in the last few years its grown amazingly.


Well-Known Member
I played for 2 yrs back in 1983-84. It was a new park built with the disk golf the main attraction. This coarse also has alot of forest play (through the trees). I always used my whamo world class. I never did get into the different size and weight disks.


Well-Known Member
Don't play disc golf (have a course within 2 miles of my house), but I regularlly toss an Aerobie Disc wit da homies.


Well-Known Member
Ultimate is the best disc sport hands down

But I played a sweet game of disc golf today. Got a brand new discraft xs. I like it