Any Bahá’í's on here?


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty much a non believer but I'm somewhat familiar with the faith. Back in the 70's I was exposed to a group of Bahi's and I was impressed with the non moralistic attitude towards me. Nice group of peaceful people! They weren't even concerned that I smoked pot either, nor did they mooch any either. Who’s dat guy? Abdul Baha? It's been a long time ago but if was going to be religious, it would be Bahi’s! Peace man!


Active Member
Yea man, `Abdu'l-Bahá was Bahá'u'lláh's oldest son. I agree the Baha'i's are all great people with much positive energy. I just declared a few days ago and have never felt closer to god. If you'd like more info just lemme know. :peace: