Anouther week of flowering she looks nice what u think


here she is a week further along i think she look pretty good what u guys think about anouther 4-5 weeksDSC_0582.jpgDSC_0583.jpgDSC_0579.jpgDSC_0581.jpgDSC_0580.jpg


Well-Known Member
Look more like 2-3 weeks. Its still all white and it needs to swell up the buds are little. Nice plant tho just let it go longer


Well-Known Member
Looks pretty good, a lil' stretched and the new grrowth looks a bit like the tips are curling up. I'd look into that here on RIU.
What is ur PH runoff??
How often do you water??
What kinda lights you running and how high off the plant are they and how close are your fans to ur plants??


its grown under 265 watts of cfl about an inch or 2 away from plant and it seemes to need to be watered every 2 days i thought it needs about anouther 4 weeks till finished what u think


Well-Known Member
I'm in the middle of week 4 of bloom and at this point i'm only needing to water like every 3-4 days. You might be over watering a bit.


ok i lay of the water a bit its only cause top of the soil feels really dry every 2 days, what u think on time left regarding weeks mate


Active Member
i think it depends on too many things to say exact but do you have a microscope? to check your trichomes? how long have they been flowering again?


Well-Known Member
Ya, the top couple inches always dry fast, but if you were to get water saturation tester, like $10 at any grow shop. And stuck it down in the soil it would read that it has plenty.
I would buy one, it's cheap and helps a lot.

I'm at week 4 1/2 and here what my babies look like.




So i think you have about 5 weeks or so, give or take a few. It's to have a specific day cuz all plants finish at different time. You just gotta read ur plant they will tell you when they are done. Cheers!!


Active Member
koodos mr green on the grow..

and i beleive it could be anywhere in between 4.5-6.5 weeks for harvest, hang in there this is going to be well worth the mouth watering wait.!!!