Another Trich Question: Headless Trichs?


Active Member
Backstory: Nirvana Black Jack at around 9-10 weeks. Outdoor

Hairs: 100% red

Trichs: Some clear, some milky, a few amber.

Question: Alot of my Trichs are "headless". There is a stalk, sometimes clear sometimes milky, and no mushroom cap head thingy. Are these immature trichs? Did i break the cap off (doubtful-im gentle and they are fresh)? Is this a different type of Trich? They sometimes look like they have a pointy top which can be sometimes be milky, clear, or amber.

Any info would be helpful. Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
there are 3 types of trichs bulbuos trichromes ( the smallest of the three the ones that look almost like sweat next to the trichromes under the scope) capitate-sessile (larger then bulbous trichroms these are when the trichs have the bulbs but no stalks ) and capitate-stalked (these are the capitate sessile's with stalks most cannibinoids are located here)

if you touch your buds at all your gonna be ripping off heads of trichromes with your fingers