Another "how close?" thread


Well-Known Member
lol I love the replies here. Since when do most know when to chop by looking at a plant?

Unless you check your trichomes with a 30-100x scope you don't really know. Mostly cloudy skies is what you want, less clear as possible and some amber.

yes ideally this is what you should do .. but he has no choice... company coming.. i say go until the day before they arrive. lol


Well-Known Member
Most people with a good number of grows can look at a plant and tell you if it is finished.. It is perfectly easy to tell if a plant is ready to chop. This "check" the trichome stuff is a load of bollocks, just people being anal thinking they're a scientist. few if any farmers of any kind break out microscopes to see when their fruits or flowers are "ready", they have the experience to tell by look a smell or a touch. You emjoy your microscope :D

You obviously have a long way to go when it comes to growing cannabis. It is VERY easy to tell when a plant is ready to be harvested from the look alone.
You do know that checking trichomes means sweet fuck all. People like cannabis as they like it, if they see a plant, harvest it and enjoy it, then that is the end of it, there is no question of "but the trichomes were not amber". They got a plant, harvested it, and enjoyed it, the grow was a success.

You need to grow some more weed..
Here, here. I am an extreme noob, but I understand people have been growing this plant for perhaps 1000s of years without ever judging the harvest readiness using a microscope. Grow it long enough, you can tell.


Active Member
You are obviously not the majority. Most likely a noob or even a novice and advanced growers cannot just look at a plant and know when to harvest.
This is what happens when sentences are constructed poorly. I think the poster of the quote did NOT mean to call Uncle Buck a "noob," but rather he intended to call the people who were giving advice "noobs." Read the two sentences again, and do NOT connect them as they are not to be a continuous thought.

Certainly many growers can tell when a plant is done by looking at it, but a scope and trichome method is also a good way. Fucking stoners can get pretty worked up sometimes.