Another Foliar Spray Thread: What Foliar Spray do you use?


Active Member
Hey Folks,

I'm new here and looking into different foliar sprays to use and i'm looking for some recommendations. My buddy told me about a new product that he says has produced wow results, Organic Rescue Mist (fulvic and trace...Ready-To-Use bottles for $20 to use during veg and during transition from veg to flower), and he also said Optic Foliar (spray with lights on, three different products during all stages) and bushmaster are good as well, but i'm new to this and I'm looking for any advice.

My one buddy loves foliar because he doesn't have to mess with his rez, but i'm looking for other people's opinions on if they foliar and what they use.



Well-Known Member
Only thing ill foliar spray with is a horsetail tea. I won't buy any pre made foliar sprays simply because I've never seen the benefit of the spray outweigh the price in which was paid. I had thrips, a pretty bad outbreak, after using some pesticide, I used the horsetail and they looked brand new. Super cheap as well.


Well-Known Member
Keep foliar for deficiencies, you don't want the plant getting 'lazy' and using the leafs for feeding rather than the roots because the leaves are a lot easier to uptake nutes for the plants than roots.


Active Member
Wow a lazy plant that makes sense I was using my nutes AN I'll stop thanks that sounds logical


Active Member
"Keep foliar for deficiencies, you don't want the plant getting 'lazy' and using the leafs for feeding rather than the roots because the leaves are a lot easier to uptake nutes for the plants than roots."

Does using a fulvic acid based foliar help? As an amateur, I know fulvic helps with nutrient uptake, so I figured it would only help to stimulate the plant, increase it's natural defense systems, and keep things moving (basically helping me in case of light or heat stress...which will probably happen). Can you overuse a foliar to the point it will reduce the amount of nutes being taken in by the roots?