Anne McLellan, 'Marijuana is more carcinogenic than tobacco', to lead task force


Well-Known Member
More 'good' news on legalization, apparently Anne McLellan is going to be 'leading' the task force (wasn't that supposed to be Blair?):

But while she indicated a willingness to debate decriminalization or legalization while serving as justice minister in 2001, she also described marijuana as a “dangerous substance” in 2005.

“We know it is a more potent carcinogen than smoke tobacco,” she said in an interview in March 2005, as the federal Liberals considered whether to make legalization official party policy. “That’s what the research tells us. That’s irrefutable. That’s science.”

and of course a reminder of how tuned out Blair is:

In a speech last week, Blair touted the “exhaustive and exacting” procedures that licensed medical marijuana producers and distributors are following, and slammed the type of storefront dispensaries targeted by police in Toronto.

“Participating in this business activity means that you must be willing to adhere to a strict set of regulations,” Blair said, according to the Globe and Mail.

“The current licensed producers are competing with people who don’t care about the law, who don’t care about regulations, don’t care about kids, they don’t care about communities, don’t care about health of Canadians. They’re pretty reckless about it. And so they’re selling anything to make a fast buck before we get the regulations put in place.”



Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's getting worse by the day. Blind leading the blind as they say. It's a fucking plant ffs, a natural remedy. Where are all the committees and task forces when big pharma wants to introduce yet another addictive, unnatural, synthetic pill on the unsuspecting sheep-like public who accepts their shit and all the side effects? #$%!


Well-Known Member
yes and where are all the road side tests for oxycodone, morphine, demerol etc? tens of thousands of people dying of these prescription drugs every year including children (and our best rock stars) and they want to pick on the one plant that is safer than every other legal drug. you have no better hope out of keeping it away from children than the current alcohol and tobacco laws do now. All this talk from the government about strict laws, controls, regulations is the opposite of what they should be doing. FREEDOM.


Well-Known Member
no wonder they didn't want activists on their panel. we actually know about MJ.
they arfe still at the reefer madness mentality so how will they do a decent job?
seems like they think it's like a disease

jafro daweedhound

Well-Known Member

LP Technicians carefully preparing their secret soil recipe so that they may bring their clients the safest marihuana as to HC exacting standards. Note the sterile conditions in this state of the art facility. Patients can rest assured they will have their pHiLi-Of-PoT.

So to help prevent working conditions like this please -
Boycott the LOUSY PRODUCERS !!!
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Well-Known Member
Sheep-mentality prohibitionists leading the legalization charge and policy. Shoot me now. Trudeau would do well to step back and listen to viewpoints outside their limited and twisted perception of the devil weed.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I just sent Anne McLellan this email...

Hello Ms. McClellan,

My name is *********** and I just wanted to let you know, we in the legitimate marijuana movement find you in conflict of interest of being on the marijuana legalization task force, considering your office represents some of the licensed producers of medical marijuana in Canada.

Not only that, your past, and totally unsubstantiated comments from 2005 linking marijuana as a carcinogen, as bad or worse than tobacco, also makes you the wrong person to be on the legalization task force. Your comments were biased and to this day cannot be backed up by scientific peer reviewed data. I cannot think of two worse people in you and Bill Blair heading up this task force.... It's like putting two foxes in charge of a henhouse full of "millions" of hens!

Unless your views on marijuana have changed since 2005, in my humble opinion you are unqualified for this position. You should immediately recuse yourself of said position based on your conflict of interest on your current employment, and your clearly prohibitionist views of marijuana.

Best Regards,

jafro daweedhound

Well-Known Member
I just sent Anne McLellan this email...

Hello Ms. McClellan,

My name is *********** and I just wanted to let you know, we in the legitimate marijuana movement find you in conflict of interest of being on the marijuana legalization task force, considering your office represents some of the licensed producers of medical marijuana in Canada.

Not only that, your past, and totally unsubstantiated comments from 2005 linking marijuana as a carcinogen, as bad or worse than tobacco, also makes you the wrong person to be on the legalization task force. Your comments were biased and to this day cannot be backed up by scientific peer reviewed data. I cannot think of two worse people in you and Bill Blair heading up this task force.... It's like putting two foxes in charge of a henhouse full of "millions" of hens!

Unless your views on marijuana have changed since 2005, in my humble opinion you are unqualified for this position. You should immediately recuse yourself of said position based on your conflict of interest on your current employment, and your clearly prohibitionist views of marijuana.

Best Regards,
THANKS - well said.


Well-Known Member
OH and NOTICE THIS... :)

New hire is a signal Ottawa is taking a strict line on recreational marijuana



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Sheep-mentality prohibitionists leading the legalization charge and policy. Shoot me now. Trudeau would do well to step back and listen to viewpoints outside their limited and twisted perception of the devil weed.
Like who promoted and made $$ with alcohol prohibition?
Some weird shit prohibitionist LP's too, like Tilray and Peace Naturals. o_O