Angel trumpets


New Member
Depends... How's ur heart? Good mental health? Have a safe place to stay while on em? Trustworthy person to watch over u? Consider those first, then ask urself if ur ok with being completely delusional and acting out ur experience, (whatever turn it may take) in front of someone else without u knowing it at all... I take datura stramonium seeds/flowers/leaves for mostly medicinal purposes and some personal, spiritually driven ones too. But the last time I had angel trumpets was 2010 in San Diego, CA. I ate 3 fresh picked flowers and gave 2 to my friend. We also had been smoking plenty of bud before and after ingesting the flowers, and I believe alcohol plays a huge factor in the threshold amount for each person bc after downing a 40oz malt liquor I started noticing I was beginning to see and feel different. A few hours later I could recall moments where I'd just previously forgot everything, then remember stuff that didn't actually happen, or places I've never been to, even doing things I've never done like flying over Ocean Beach and Sunset Cliffs. My tolerance hadn't been built up at the time, by much else than weed and alcohol so 3 flowers then ain't shit to me now since I got used to so many different substances over the years lol. But u better be really prepared for a total mind fuck bc while I "tripped" for like 2 or 3 days, I was constantly asking myself if the reality I was in was real or another full blown delirious hallucination. Did that REALLY happen? Was that a REAL person i talked to just now? How long have I been here, a month or a year? I'm tellin u man, be safe and only do what amount ur comfortable doing. Follow ur gut and believe ur own intuition. The plant has a spiritual connection to it and always ask HER permission to walk in HER world bro. She is the grim goddess Toloáche, who has sort of 2 personalities which u should tread lightly around. One is feminine and calming, like remembering ur deceased grandmother u were so fond of... The other, she's a mirror of ur darkest fears, deepest worries and scariest thoughts ever. Hope ur not a shady person or u might just end up freaking out in paranoia. Ur heart could then explode... Read up on the effects on the body that it CAN cause, but probably won't. Main alkaloids r Hyoscyamine, Scopolamine, Tropane, and Atropine... But largely research the first 2!!! Good luck and happy trails! Have a safe time bro!