Android Users Question


Well-Known Member
I am a cellphone distributor and android kicks ass. much better than blackberry or ios5. much safer and user friendly. HTC and Apple are really the top two right now. Its hard to beat the evo 3d, but the new iphone 4s is a nice fix. The taskillers don't help or hinder much, but for some its nice piece of mind and it closes any websites you may have left your bank, email, porn, whatever.

Android is pretty damn good, really no need to complain. Especially with 4g speeds..

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
lol..never thought of a phone being like a computer and slowing down

My Iphone is just as fast as the day i got it..


Well-Known Member
1ghz snapdragon, its unlikely you'll noticeably slow down.. again, taskillers can be used to close sites, so when you click "internet" it goes to a home page and not wherever you left off..


Well-Known Member
How do you get your phone to stay fast? Mine is soooo slow after about a month of use. I got the advanced killer app, but shit constantly keeps running even though i turn it off, the ram seems to be always full as well. The only solution is I have to factory reset the phone every couple weeks. I have a sony xperia arc.

I heard there are custom operating systems u can install on android phones? But I have no idea which ones are any good.
From purely computer ideas.& your android is a computer there is no way to slow down a device except physical damage.

What you may have done is downloaded to may apps that may run in the background. remember when old computers used to freeze? that is because you maxed out the ram (memory).

Everytime you turn off your computer(cell phone) the ram(memory) is cleared so it may be used for more processes.

My advice would be

1.) turn off your phone at least 1x a day

if that does nothing

2.) start deleting programs that you do not use. or how do android call them "apps" right.?


with that said when is the last time you turned off your cellphone?


Well-Known Member
i have an evo shift. fuck task killers, they're bullshit. if an app doesn't show up under "what's been using the battery" then there's no point wasting ram on an app killer to kill apps that aren't even draining the phone. my phone is slow as shit right now because i went searching for updates. the updates are nice but now every time i try to go to the home screen i get this white htc screen and it takes 10 seconds to load the home screen. if sprint's customer service wasn't so horrifyingly bad i would've had it taken care of a long time ago.

This is similar to the new Microsoft OS software.

Windows 7 is supposedly more user friendly but takes 2 gigs of ram. While you could technically use still use MS xp @ 128 MB of ram.....

That is 16X more ram

Is it really 16x better


Well-Known Member
as far as operating system consumption of space and speed, it doesn't matter anymore. You can throw as money numbers on the table as you'd like but today people want a phone that gives them the instant gratification they seek. It really doesn't take much to make a super fast phone, it does take a lot to have a seemless userfriendly interface. Android has achieved this.


Well-Known Member

You can put the best processor in the world into a Samsung but it's still a Samsung. Don't try to turn this around, you said "HTC is connection", when in fact HTC is a phone manufacturer, not a connection whatsoever. They typically run on Android and are built with state of the art features, tied together in a way that above all, works great as a phone. Unlike many other phone manufacturers that will keep replacing phones under warranty without focusing on a good product. Windows mobile platforms are absolute junk unless you NEED to use office products.