found this crazy interesting. They've recreated these planes and they fly like ufos. Not a conspiracy person but this is too real it seems.
They are simply zoomorphic talismans representing birds, bats or insects. There was a strong belief that illness and bad fortune came from the will of evil humans or the gods themselves. These talismans were used to ward off perceived spiritual threats. The airplane shape is merely coincidental.
May not be ancient but I know Galileo I think it was had a few inventions and they flew one and it flew for about the time of the Wright brothers, that's all I know about that tho.
i don't think it's conspiracy at all. think of it this way; the earth is 4.5 billion years old (4,500,000,000). We have recorded history of ourselves no longer then 11,000 of those 4.5billion so naturally many aliens could have come here before that and they probably need aircraft or spaceships to get here. the real consipracy is how they build those pyramids.........
Although they have recreated these shapedo fly unlike our planes though. Also in 1860`s they made a plane that reached 1800 feet before crashing back to earth, using the talisman shape. Many mentioning about these planes in the Indian Mahabharata.