An Idea For 420


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about 420 the other night and then i had a good idea i think. what if there is enough pro marijuana advocates around the United States that a "smoke out" i call it would happen? On 420 everyone could go to their local court houses and toke up peacefully protesting our rights. I think this is a great idea if there is enough support. I would like to hear other input on this thought please.


Active Member
How about go to Washington, do it as we march through the entire city one million strong? This event has been up about 2 months and only has 80 hopeful attendees, the pyramid effect of invite ten of your friends and they'll invite 10 of theirs didn't work so now I've stooped to trolling forums like this in an effort to try to get more and more people to join it just to try to see if there even are 1 million people out there who actually care.


Well-Known Member
The "smoking on tthe court house steps" idea first came ro my attention in 1969. It has been tried many times.

We used to have a rally at the capitol, annually, but there were never a full thousand people there. More like a few hundred, and these rallies were pretty well advertised.

Most stoners are too lazy or paranoid to show up.


Active Member
Most stoners are too lazy or paranoid to show up.
It really sucks that this is true. How were they being advertised? Newspaper, magazines and Television? Those only work when the people you want to join you read or watch those mediums at the time it's being advertised. Word of mouth and the internet and powerful tools that are typically unused for things like this.


Well-Known Member
The capital rallies were advertised and covered by local, and one year, network stations. At the last rally, I was accidentally featured in the background of an interview with Eddy Lepp. I received dozens of phone calls from coworkers who saw the coverage. Up to then I'd been very secretive regarding my involvement in Cannabis among my coworkers.

Oddly, the large company I worked for chose to ignore my presence, but even stranger was the sudden friendliness I experienced from top company officials.

I think we have support in high places.
In order to start reaching significant milestones in the marijuana legalization movement, we need to be more active, less lazy, and more organized.

Are there enough pro marijuana advocates?
Of course there´s enough support, 25 million occasional smokers, and 14 million daily smokers. I´m all for it.
Lets all start smoking so much at 420 that the entire continent drowns in our cloud of smoke.