an expert noob :)


Active Member
haha thats awesome brotha! Just hearing that i have support just made my day. Ive struggled hard with my issues today and that one post turned it around.

Thanks for all of your support and to everybody else from RIU!!!!


Active Member
Hey guys stopping back through for a quick update on my ladies. I FIMmed one of them only. Im hoping I have done it right maybe someone call tell me by the picture(only and after shot sorry). Anyways if anybody sees any topping, pruning, or tending that needs to be done please communicate that to me asap.

Here are the most recent shots(the sick one is looking alot better btw not sure what happened to it)


Hoping for some good feedback. Need advice on if its looking right/ growing at healthy rate compared to last pics


i usually jus top, by penching stem then gently taping to side of pot.... works great, sumthin lika scrog to me! i DO NOT CUT OR PULL ANY OF THE LEAVES OFF, THEY ARE ALL THERE FOR A REASON!! GREAT JOB THOUGH LOOKIN GOOOD


Active Member
loooking good bro! my last og crop using no nutes...View attachment 2258157
oh wow very good results for no nutes sir!! not only cost saving, but ALL natural and less labor. That makes it a win win win situation lol

thanks for the like! ITs been a minute since ive updated on pics but they have tripled in size if not more. Im flipping the lights today so i will update with bud shots before long! i will be using the MH bulb for first couple weeks of flowering, then switch to hps to fatten them girls up. The colors of the plants are looking interesting already though im really excited to flower these things!!


Active Member
heres an update of the ladies everyone. Trust me i already know they are over crowded. I vegged a little longer than i actually meant too. But i had a bunch of high quality bag seeds but its my first run with this setup and they were all mixed around so i needed for sure harvest for medical purpose. In other words i turned the probability up a couple notches :) BUT imo i think this is doin pretty damn good considering im only using a 400w..and its crowded. Anyways blah blah here you go

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Active Member
notice the color of the stems on the first couple; this is also the plant i fimmed a little short to begin with. but wow in person color is really vibrant. Also the plant on 1st row far right, the blueish grey one, does anyone have any idea what type this is? i know i had a blue cheese seed but idk if this one is it..gimme some feed back rui..kinda been disappointed in the lack of feedback with this.


Active Member
Bro great intro,, plants look good, looks like you have great Soil custom mix.. U seen my pics of my plants all that was done with no nuts whatsoever,, I grew hay for 5 years 55 acres use to put up 3500 55 pound bails a year,, that's after the Elk got there share,, Only used nuts 1 time in 5 years, on that field, anyway here in Colorado farmers would rather have great soil then great nuts.. Plants need food but be careful with nuts ones you put them in you can't take them out.. look at this pic. 1 acer here support over a 100 aspen trees + Spruce and oak brush, and then the same soil grows some beautiful grass that the deers eat all year long,, of course there trees roots grow deep looking for food, but don't under estimate how far your soil can go.. wish you success on your grow,,

photo flower day 1.jpg photo doe.jpg



Active Member
Bro great intro,, plants look good, looks like you have great Soil custom mix.. U seen my pics of my plants all that was done with no nuts whatsoever,, I grew hay for 5 years 55 acres use to put up 3500 55 pound bails a year,, that's after the Elk got there share,, Only used nuts 1 time in 5 years, on that field, anyway here in Colorado farmers would rather have great soil then great nuts.. Plants need food but be careful with nuts ones you put them in you can't take them out.. look at this pic. 1 acer here support over a 100 aspen trees + Spruce and oak brush, and then the same soil grows some beautiful grass that the deers eat all year long,, of course there trees roots grow deep looking for food, but don't under estimate how far your soil can go.. wish you success on your grow,,

View attachment 2260137 View attachment 2260154

wow man thats really beautiful. very healthy looking land. Im actually looking to move to the colorado area. Oregon is another possibility. The land here doesnt look so clean. Also live in a valley; a very nasty valley where alot of nasty things get trapped. But yea im gonna be selling my home with furnishings and relocating in the next 2 years. IM really excited to own a piece of that beautiful land :)) ANd thanks for the compliments on the soil; i definately done my fair share of researching and one thing i know is your ladies will only treat you as good as you treat them! I definately did not short cut ANYTHING in the soil. I made sure my daughters have a well balanced food pyramid :)


Active Member
I live at 9200 feet, and 25 miles from town. So its expensive buying gas, and inconvenient at times.. But for me I love it,, Moving is always hard but I hope your condition improves and you find the place that fits your growing life style.. Myself I suffer with chronic Kidney stones,, I hate pissing blood, it burns bad It sure changed me living in constant pain.. weed is a lot better for me then Vic.. Please keep us posted with your grow..


Active Member
will do for sure. yea im in alot of pain everyday and that prevents me from working to my fullest. i can only work about 50% of the time AT BEST. ive had to resort to more effiencent and economical ways about things. I have added a small 12 inch fluro in one of the corners of the tent for some added light. ive got a couple cfl clamp lights thatll prolly get put in as well. After i flipped the light they got realllly big. Started to Bleach JUUUUST enough to notice it. I barely raised the light, rearranged pots accordingly and now all of the heights match for the most part. Also no more bleaching/noticeable stretching.

PS i think i vegged for too long lol but seriously im hoping when it starts budding itll weight some branches and spread em just a little. Im doing my best with training leaves. Ive also pretty much plucked all of the first set of leaves and some other really small, useless leaves to direct energy in the right places. I think im seeing pistils already...not too sure yet. I am looking in the area where the new growth comes out in between each set of new fan leaves. Could just be growth i thought it was too early..


Active Member
yea so with more researching i have identified those as signs of pre flowering. Just seems really quick for it to have only flipped two days ago. my temp drops a bit tho at night to around 68-70 and ive heard this type of drop at night can induce quick flowering. All my work is starting to pay off pretty excited about it.


Active Member
forest 001.jpgforest 002.jpgforest 003.jpgforest 004.jpgforest 005.jpgforest 006.jpgforest 008.jpgforest 013.jpgforest 010.jpgforest 011.jpgforest 012.jpg

notice the first pic and the color comparison to the rest :) im excited about this lady. also notice how the color of that stem is redish now as it was purple. Yea my ladies are basically leaking out of my hoping they dont get much taller as the light doesnt have much more room to go up(hence why u see bleaching; im getting the light as low as possible). Does anybody have any suggestions? ive been in flower for about 4 or 5 days now. still got my MH bulb in as i heard the plants wont stretch as much under this light if u keep the ladies under it for a week or so into flower? is this true? im using a hortilux blue bulb so the color spectrum is pretty good. I have a hortilux hps brand new in box ready to go. idk what to do..they are just getting big for that 400w and that dr120w tent. Im going right now to exchange that fan i got(it oscillates, changes speed, basically recreates outside) and get something smaller that can attach to the top support bars. Anybody have any tips to avoid more stretching?


Active Member
Its so cool were flowering about the same time your field looks great,,,, man it looks like you got a lot of upward stretch, and there growing real fast,, real fast.. You have your hands full with this grow,,, I can't offer any advise only compliments.. Its going to be fun to watch what happens in the next 6 weeks...


Active Member
Its so cool were flowering about the same time your field looks great,,,, man it looks like you got a lot of upward stretch, and there growing real fast,, real fast.. You have your hands full with this grow,,, I can't offer any advise only compliments.. Its going to be fun to watch what happens in the next 6 weeks...
hah yea thats cool! we will be reaping all the benefits and hard work soon! Man yea they are a hand ful. Lots of tending to everyday in such a small space. But yea i think im about to throw in the hps and feed em tomorrow. We will see what happens:)


Active Member
just an update on the garden..i have postively identified 3 females. Two males. not bad considering bag seed. 6 plants total left in the tent. 3 left to identify. Also left the mh in for now. Will be changing soon. Also held of on the nutes for now to keep from so much growth. Will be feeding flower nutes in the next couple days once all plants have shown their sex..


Active Member
well i had about 3 to 6 weeks left in flowering and they would have been ready. My own brother (also smokes) broke into my fucking house...what blood runs through your veins? i cant believe this guys i was looking soooo forward to this. It was my only hobby i had left due to my medical issues. I was relying medically on this harvest. My choices are either medical marijuana, oxycodone and contin, or methadone...apparently im a bad person for not just going to the doctor instead of medicating naturally. Off to the clinic i go..(i have to have something for pain otherwise i cannot even walk 75% of the time. Thank the good lord my fiance has enough love to put up with me and dress me etc when i cannot do this myself. So that being said alot of effort and time was put into this garden. I was in their on a daily basis for about 2 hrs each day spending alot of time with the ladies. Not only was my medicine taken from me, my privacy and security. And on top of that my pride and joy. Its amazing what jealousy will do to someone. And then after he commits breaking and entering, threathens me physically, drives to my house drunk and damage to property he has the nerve to call the police and say we got into a physical altercation over "pot plants" and i pulled a gun on him. I have firearms in the house yes. I only shoot recreationally or when someone threatens to take my life. I will not pull a gun on someone even over a fist fight; why? because its a FIST FIGHT and only that. Point being what a little bitch. He has soooooo many priors for dui and a felony but he has the nerve to run to the police? he almost got my dog shot; she gets very excited and runs towards people she doesnt know just to sniff them and greet them. The cops came to my home with guns drawn..i saw my brother pull up outside and as i was opening the door to order him off my property the cops come around the corner with their weapons drawn and ordering me to do this that and the other. Of all the people to do this; i cant believe a criminal would call the cops on a law abiding citizen...this is soo fucked up. My life is very depressing at the moment. And my own mother(which i have had to take care of and support through addiction problems) has the nerve to justify what he did by saying he was just mad blah blah. Im just fucking mad too. He didnt even do anything with the plants. The werent even ready. 5 beautiful fat ladies were on their way. He also had the audacity to tell me he tore them up and tried to throw the cola when he did it stuck to his hand. Apparently they were VERY sticky. Too bad ill never get to enjoy how sticky they were. BTW it was my first ever solo grow...:fire:

After all this he says the reasoning was that he didnt want the whole family arrested??? WTF what law says that my family will be arrested for my actions? I live on my own other than my fiance(my family has nothing to do with this basically until he drug them into it)...absolutely 0% logic here. Hes just a paranoid wannabe lawyer. Apparently he thought that 5 plants was serious enough to go to prison for 50 years; he just blew this shit way out of proportion...

Sorry for the language and bitching everybody but DAMN. I think after this i feel entitled to a little moan and groan. Hopefully ill have everything back up and going soon with some autos ive been wanting to give a go....until next time
