Amsterdam for Vacation


Well-Known Member
I'm planning to go on a trip to Amsterdam possibly next summer and I need to figure out how much money I need to take with me? Not including the airplane ticket thought because I already got that covered.



Well-Known Member
I know that but I need to know how much a hotel room, food, and the bud prices are in US dollars so I don't bring too little.


Well-Known Member
when i went when i was 18 and then again when i was 20. i think the hotel rooms(not hostel) were about 300 euros for 3 nights. some of them charge u per person so i think if u set aside like 180euros per person for about 3 nights then it should be ok, but take a little more incase.

food an drink is about the same as uk, a mcdonalds will set u back about 6 - 7 euro. a beer is about 4 euro, a normal coke/pepsi is about half of that.

ur smokes, depending on how many grams u buy can vary. i remember the prerolled joins are

Normal - 4-5 euro
Pure (just pure weed but smaller) - 6-7 euro
King - (big joint, pure weed) - 8-9 euro

i dont wanna comment on the bags bcoz they vary from place to place.

anything else u need to know?

btw make sure u check out The Dolphin coffee shop, its my fave. an make sure u go downstairs!


Well-Known Member
You want to have a blast in amsterdam then take about 700 euros with ya for 1 week exclusive from the hotel and flight...... There's allot of cool things to buy over there.... ^^


Active Member
my girl and i spent 140 total for 4 nights in a private room at a hostel. We called it the smoke den because after 4 days of amsterdamian chaos it looked like like a tornado had come through

i was at the dam about 3 months ago, and the bud prices have gone up drastically
10-15 euros for ak, great white, etc. Budget bud is also available, i grabbed a bag of 8 euro green and it smoked fine with a great relaxing high.
5-8 euros for a gram for hash, some is more expensive

i took about 400 euros (student life blows) and i was cutting it short on the 5th day when we were leaving

u start finding shit to buy everywhere. Bong here, grinder there, and other crazy shit

take cash man, mad cash