americas finest? NOT

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
holy fuck, "their job is to observe and report not get involved". that's what's fucked up to me, along with everything else of course, and yeah, what the fuck are these people like, attackers and guards alike.

this happens in other places than america though, the worlds a rather ugly place


Well-Known Member
If those guards had done anything they could have been fired and sued. I can see how their hands are tied, they were probably specifically trained to not interfere with anything happening. Lets not forget that other people are standing by also, they could have helped. This is 2010 people, security is not here to help you , they are here to help their employers.


New Member
This reminds me of an incident I was involved in about 3o years ago. I used to be responsible for setting up and working a display for my employer at our county fair. After closing one night, I was walking across the fairgrounds with three of my fellow employees when a young girl was attacked by a Hispanic girl gang. They were beating the shit out of this poor girl and kicking her just like the asshole in the video. The first person who jumped in to fight off the attackers was a women in her late 50s. Then, us guys jumped in. I got ahold of the attacked girl and carried her to a fence and hoisted her over the fence for her protection. At that point the male members of the gang started hitting me in the back ... there must have been at least 15 of them, maybe more. My compatriots came to my rescue but not before I planted a hefty side kick right into the stomach of one the assholes who punched me in the back. He went down in a heap, and the four of us proceeded to kick some royal ass. The cops (not security guards) arrived just as things were ending. This was my second experience with a Hispanic gang. Both ended the same way ... the assholes ran for cover just as soon as they realized that the people they were attacking were not intimidated, and in fact, were enjoying the royal ass-kicking they were dishing out. :lol: